'golden Catfish' Bought A New Fish But Cant Remeber It Proper


New Member
Jun 6, 2009
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hi i was wondering if anyone could help me I.D a fish i bought today. they called it a gold catfish but when i type it into google it comes up with nothing. its proper name was something sternum. pleeeeease help!! he said they are fairly rare, only around 1000 imported per year.

sorry about the terrible pic.


  • 06062009107.jpg
    24.7 KB · Views: 87
its got a head and mouth like a corydora catfish, a body like an eel and its tail looks like scissors, and moves like scissors when it swims.
I have no idea, but I think it woud be interesting to find out. Obviosuly a better pic is needed as it is very hard to tell much from your picture. Try turning off the flash, and having the tank lights on.
I have to say it looks nothign like any catfish I have seen or know of!
goign by the pic its not a weather loach i have one.It doesn't look like that it looks like a whiptail or twig catfish which are quite simular im going for whiptail
oooooo it looks so like a weather loach except the body is more stream lined and the tail is more arrow head shape (<)
they called it a golden catfish in the shop but nothing comes up on google.
this is my weather loach


and this is a pic of a weather loach ive found

this is a whiptail catfish

this is a twig catfish

they are both the same body stucture just slightly different colour

you can see the body shape on the pic that has been posted eventhough it is a poor pic that the body tapers towards the tail and a weather loach's body doesn't it is virtually the same depth and thickness throughout

names for the whiptail (Rineloricaria fallax
Delicate Whiptail Catfish, Whiptailed Loricaria)

twig catfish Farlowella acus
whats that one nelly mate ? i can't remember but it looks like it abit i think we are on the right lines mate its no way a weather loach the body shape is wrong to be one i think

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