Gold Stripe Panaque Not Eating...


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2007
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Since I have obtained my gold stripe panaque the litte bugger hasn't eaten anything! (That I have seen). The belly seems pushed in... telling me that his stomach is empty and he needs to eat!!! I have tried shrimp pellets, alqea waffers and cucumber.... He hasn't touched any of it. He is only supposed to reach 3.1" max and he is about 2.7" right now so he might not be into eating algea to much! I have caught him in the middle of the night on the wall where some green algrea is... and the green algea is gone now... why won't he eat the waffers? What else can I try! Help :(
Yea sure...and his weak stomach!

One of the best looking plecos on the planet bucko!

Weak belly... :'(

I assume you have bogwood in your tank as all Panaque are wood eaters.

How long as he not been eating?...which I also assume is the same amount of time that you've had him for....

btw, it is indeed a very pretty specimen.
I assume you have bogwood in your tank as all Panaque are wood eaters.

How long as he not been eating?...which I also assume is the same amount of time that you've had him for....

btw, it is indeed a very pretty specimen.

I have driftwood in my tank, I thought that's what they ate! The driftwood is died completely blue with quick cure (ick, rock flicking protazins, gasping for air). I added it to the tank because my female ram was gasping at the top.

I haven't seen bogwood at any of my LFS... where else can I find it?

His belly does look very sunken. :sad:

I would make sure that there is always cucumber or courgette in the tank (but don't leave one piece in more than 24 hours).

Add a new piece of driftwood (that's all of my panaque seems to eat) just incase it doesn't want to eat the piece soaked in med's.

Keep the tank in darkness with as little disturbance as possible until it hopefully starts to fatten up (my panaque is very nocturnal).

I hope it starts eating soon.

I just bought 5 of these critters. One went the same way as yours did but i think they arrived at me with whitespot. I'm treating that now and the rest seem to be pulling through. The little guys i have are liking cucumber as well as getting stuck into my bogwood. Do a search on ebay for bogwood and Ian the bogwood man pops up. He should be able to sort you out in a day or two if you email him and tell him what you want. The wood is great. I have bought a lot from him!

I hope your wee dude pulls through. Mine look exactly the same as yours but are larger than the 3.1" you say they will grow too. Mine were part of a breeding colony and are fully grown and look just short of 4".

Hope this helps

Hmmm don't look good, i lost a L191 that i tried to rescue from a tank with no wood from an LFS and its belly was like that.

is there an wood in there that isn't soaked in meds? i'd hazard a guess that he wont want to eat that, much like you would eat a sandwich that had been drenched in Dettol

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