Gold Severum Bacterial Infection Helpplease Urgent


New Member
Aug 27, 2009
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Hey people. I recently realized a long red streek on my gold severum and there's a white fungus stuff growing on oneside of it. The red streek is allong the dorsal fin just bellow it running the whole length of his body. And it's acting really frantic andwill not stay still n twitches really bad all the time. I did neglect my tank for a week and didn't check the water quality and when I checked it. The acidic levels were 6.2 so could the low water quality be the cause? I did a 50% water change and started treating it with melafix yesterday day but the fish seems to be allot worse today. Does any one know how to fix this problem it would help me soo much cause he's a beautiful colour and I don't want him to die.

Please help me

Can you post full water stats please.
How many gallons or litres is the tank.
How many fish and which type.

Is the red steaking on top of the skin or below the surface of the skin.
Any white patches with the red streaking.
It sounding like septicemia, to columnaris.
Hey yea sorry. I have a 280 ltr tank with a 1500 ltr per hour jebao external filter. Ph at 7.2 and stocking I have Jack dempsy. Texas cichlid gold and green severum. 2 electric yellows and and a blue acara. I water change every week on the same day. And yes the white fungus is covering a small patch of the red streek on one side. And the streeking is hard to tell. Itsnot poling out of the fish so it looks under the skin. Oh and I just remembered about a week ago there was a power cut and I came home from workand the tank water was at 22 degrese farrenhight. I'm thinking it may have started then. Could this be the cause?
I sudden raise in temp, or decline in temp can soon stress a fish and cause desease.

I would add a bacterial med to the tank.

UK. Myxazin by waterlife, and pimafix.
US. Maracyn plus.

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