Gold Nugget Plecs With Britstlenoses Etc


Aug 6, 2009
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Hi i have been thinking about keeping a Gold Nugget Pleco for a while now...the one i have been looking at (i think) is L081 (?)

My current stocking is

2 x Severum
1 x Nicaguesne
1 x Angel
1 x Female Convict (possibly will rehome her)
3 x Red Head Tapajos
3 x Silver Dollars
5 x Serpaes
1 x Bristlensoe Plec

in a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft established over filtered tank (2 Fluval 406's).

I heard they like meaty foods in there diet...i hand feed my tank Blood Worm and other frozen foods about 3-4 tiems a week (on top of Flake,Hikari sinking + floating Pellets + algae wafers)

The tanks PH is 7 and I keep it at a tempature of 28c via 2 heaters....30% weekly water changes and sand hoover etc.

Decor is Sand Substrate, Gigantic piece of Wood (about 3.5ft long) some touch real plants and pebbles.

Is this adequate for one? I have only had experience with 1 other expensive plec in the partner bought me a Royal Plec juvi years ago...its shared a tank with a Gibbiceps,Angels and Severums and it never seemed to eat, it died after about 4 weeks with a hollow belly whereas the Gibbi was very fat!.

Will it fight with the Bristlenose? My Royal plec when i had it seemed to hate my Gibbi and would chase it everywhere.

Long story short...can i keep a Gold Nugget with my current stock in my current set up?
Basically there is a big risk, GN,s have a bad rep for not liking other bottom dwellers and it could end in disaster, there really isn't a yes/no answer tbh, it could work but it might not, more than often not when GN's are involved. The only way would be to try and be prepared to either move to another tank or rehome one if it doesn't work out.
In short yes it is compatible with your stock but I would be worried about your stocking as a whole once the other fish (mainly the cichlids) grow

There is also plenty of room for both the GN and the Bristlenose so I don't think mixing the two will be a problem either

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