a petsmart near me carries these guys but they charge 40 dollars. they are usually about 3-4 inches in size. is that a normal price or are they just charging way too much.
but gold nuggets in the UK at least are generally wild caught and (althought I don't really understand why them being wild does this) as such the price varies, sometimes you'll be lucky and get a big one (relatively) cheap sometimes the teeny ones can be pricey
just gotta keep hunting round your LFS's until you find a decent specimin you don't mind paying for
i seen a gold nugget at petsmart as well and it was 40$ for the small one. i think it's an incredible looking fish but i don't think i am going to shell out 40 dukes for the bugga.
thats what i was thinking. i would sooner get a common plec that ill have to give away or get a huge tank for once its too big than spend 40 bucks on a single fish.
At petsmart here in s. florida they run $30. But at my lfs they are smaller and run about 20. but 40 is not bad for a 4 inch fish. cause they grow so slow. I saw a 4 inch green phantom pleco that was 100% awsome for 50 bucks today. i really wanted it but i needed a new filter since mine cracked.