Gold Mystery Snails


Fish Herder
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
Alabama, USA
Well I don't know much about the bigger snails and have a question. I picked up some mystery snails a couple weeks ago and noticed last night one was spending some extra time at the top half way out of the water. I thought it might be laying eggs and I got up this morning and there is a big batch of eggs just above the water line.

Heres my question: How often to they lay eggs and should I keep these eggs? They are in my 30 gallon with just some cories and Harlequins. I dont want my tank over run with snails. I know the smaller snails that come on plants reproduce like crazy, but what about gold mystery snails?

Thanks in advance
Well I don't know much about the bigger snails and have a question. I picked up some mystery snails a couple weeks ago and noticed last night one was spending some extra time at the top half way out of the water. I thought it might be laying eggs and I got up this morning and there is a big batch of eggs just above the water line.

Heres my question: How often to they lay eggs and should I keep these eggs? They are in my 30 gallon with just some cories and Harlequins. I dont want my tank over run with snails. I know the smaller snails that come on plants reproduce like crazy, but what about gold mystery snails?

Thanks in advance


The snails you have sound like Canas, they eat plants... just a reminder :X

For your question, you dont have to keep the eggs if you dont want, just simply scrape them off the tank and toss in the bin. I keep them and sell them to people off of or to members ect.

They may lay alot of eggs, depending on the conditions of your tank, but they can easily be scrapped off.
If you want to keep the eggs, just simpley let them sit their till they turn dark and look like they are going to 'break' they may hatch on their own or may need help, which u will need to crack the egg sac open and swish around the water to help them out.

these are not pest snails tho, so they should not be a burdin, they dont have live babies like MTS or ramshorn snails do.

Hope this helps, sorry if hard to understand, im doing 10 things at once lol

good luck

I think Im going to leave these eggs alone and see what happens. They laid them above where the bubbles from the air stone hit the top of the water, so there should be plenty of moisture. I know some people locally they would like some of the snails. I have never raised them and would like to learn how.

It takes about 2 weeks for them to hatch right?

Here's a great site that will tell you everything you need to know about apple snails i had my first batch hatch out on thursday and another 3 egg clutches have appeared, i was beginning to think i had all females so it's great they started breeding.


Just remeber, just because the snail lays eggs, does not mean they are fertile.

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