Gold Laser Corydoras (Cw010)


Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2012
Reaction score
Coulsdon, Croydon, London, England, Earth, ZZ9 Plu
I'm still trying to gather information on the various species that I'd like to put in my Roma 240 but since seeing the first picture of the Gold Laser Cory I decided that everything else would fit around what IT needs even if it takes me 6 months to try and find some!

The issue I have is that I can't seem to find what kind of water parameters they like. If they want acidic soft water then I'm pretty much screwed at 7.4ph and hardwater.

I'll be adding other corys too, I'd like these ones to be a kind of focal point.
латинское название Corydoras sp. C10
первое описание
синонимы Corydoras sp. С80
этимология Corydoras (греч.) :
kory : шлем, панцирь
doras : кожа
Южная Америка: Бразилия
самка - до 6.0 см. (TL)
самец - до 5.5 см. (TL)
от 50 см.
18 - 26°C
6.0 - 7.8

Excuse the Russian, but the temperature your're looking for is 18-26'. Broad range for a Cory!

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