Gold Gourami


New Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Bellevue, WA
I have a planted 15 gallon tank that my gold gourami calls home. I know he is male and shows no sign of aggression to my other fish. I even had my betta floating in a bag in the tank while I was cleaning his 2 gallon and the gourami swam over to look at him and lost interest. He did that a few times and eventually left the betta alone. Do you think it would be safe to get another one, maybe even just a blue gourami?
your tanks probably a bit small for another gourami
especially since hes a male
you could try with a female in the tank, but another male wouldnt be a good idea
i would say no. gouramis tend to grow very large. they will probably not be suitable for a 15 g tank. maybe a pair of dwarf gouramis, but they are a bit diffucult. i don't really know about the whole gender situation, though.
Hi I would agree with Gourami123 a 15 gallon tank is pretty small for a 5 inch adult fish. I would probably swap him for a trio of honey gourami, similar golden yellow base colours but quite a bit smaller and less weight to throw around and just as much attitude!
i have a male and a female golden gourami in a 30 gall tank. the male is a bit bossy especially at feeding time. im thinking about getting another female to reduce agro levels. the generall ratio for golden gouramis is 2 females to every one male. so 15 gall is really a pritty small tank. i personally think my tank is a touch to small for golden gouramis. so definatly wouldnt have ggs in anything less than 30. however if your willing to take good care of these beutiful fish it is possible to keep them in small tanks since afterall they are labrinth fish. hope that helps :)

ps what tankmates does he have??
So sounds like I should just keep one in my tank, thanks guys! I mis my 120 gallon :( 15 gallon isn't too bad (24 1/4" x 12 1/2" x 12 3/4"). His tankmates are 6 neon tetras, 4 black neon tetras, 2 apple snails and 2 dwarf frogs.
awsome sounds like a nice little tank :) post some photos :) i wana see these frogs every one seems to have em these days dont think we get them over here :(

kind regards liam m
So sounds like I should just keep one in my tank, thanks guys! I mis my 120 gallon :( 15 gallon isn't too bad (24 1/4" x 12 1/2" x 12 3/4"). His tankmates are 6 neon tetras, 4 black neon tetras, 2 apple snails and 2 dwarf frogs.

That's nothing to be ashamed of at all.
He can be your centre piece fish! All eyes on him!

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