Gold Fish


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2005
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My friend has a gold fish and being the fish lover that I am when I go to her house I like to sit and stair at it, well today I noticed that his tail is no longer there and I was wondering what if anything could help get rid of this and grow his tail back. I told her to do a water change to get clean water in there and to go to the pet store, but it would be nice to tell her what to look for at the pet store to fix this problem.
There are alot of potiential causes of fin rot, but most of them can be traced back to bad water quality. If you have a test kit, can you possibly get ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels?

I think the best course of treatment (depending on how severe this is) is to start by adding aquarium salt and melafix and possibly primafix to the water. If there is ammonia, nitrite or high nitrate, do daily water changes of about 25%.

If the tail doesn't begin to get better or if it is really severe (as in NO tail), I would go ahead and treat with antibiotics.
yeah he has no tail, just a stump where the tail was. I'll tell her what to do and I'll hopefully be able to get over there with my test kit if she doesn't pick one up at the pet store when she goes to get some meds and such. Thanks for the help and lets hope for the best for this little guy
What size is the tank, does she keep anymore fish with it, and what filter does she use.
It's a small tank, she bought it for her son at the petstore "buy this tank and get a gold fish free" deal. I think it is about 2.5 G and he's the only fish in there and it has some kind of side filter not sure what kind because it's nothing like any of mine. I've given all the advice that you've given me, but I really don't think he'll make it his tail is totally gone and I don't think she'll be able to nurse him back to health and I don't have any open tanks here, but I will stop her next time from buying anymore fish, except maybe a betta because that is the only fish that I think would do well in her tank, and I'd be able to bring it home if she starts to have problems with it. Thank you for all the help.

you need to get some anti tail rot wich is made by interpet you can buy this from pets at home for 4pounds if the tail reaches the base this will result in death so be quick

p.s i suffered from the same problem and got rid of it in no time

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