Gold Fish And Friends


New Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Hey everyone! I am new to this forum. I have had a 10 gallon tank for a very long time now. It used to be my brothers. It now has 2 gold fish, 2 cherry barbs and one little zebra fish. He had rescued 5 goldfish a while back. Only 2 had survived. Since he moves alot, he finally threw the gold fish in with the barbs and zebra. They all seem to get along swimmingly, and have for about 3 years now. My question is, what else could I add? I just got a 29 gallon tank. They are all now in the new tank and happy! I would like to add a few more fish. I was told that gold fish don't usually live with tropical fish, but they have been together for years and are just fine. Any suggestions on what is safe to add?? I am looking for something bright colored preferrably. Thanks!
U can keep the 'goldfish' and the 'tropical' fish together for a while but when they grow big you will have to separat them because they will eat the tropicals.

Also Zebra Danios are schooling fish wich will fell muck better when kept in groups of 6 or more...

If you want to get some new fish some platys would be good..

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