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Thanks. Apologies for this likely stupid beginner question, but is "healthy filter media" my sponge from my existing tank? If so, by replacing this with a new sponge, will I not have reset the cycling process on my existing tank?

Sorry, so new to this...

Yes sponge could be, so could charcoal, floss, bio balls, or to a lesser extent even decorations and plants.
Or you could just use the filter for your new tank and run it in your other aquarium as a second filter for a week or so. It will start picking up stuff in its sponge or whatever.
You can take part of the media in your current tank, somewhere between a third and a half. Keep an eye on the main tank to make sure the remaining media is coping - test for ammonia and nitrite every day till you are sure.

Running the QT filter in the main tank for a week won't be long enough. The bacteria don't just move because there is somewhere new. If you want to do this, you'll nned to run the QT filter in the main tank for several weeks.
Essjay is correct. Move a little of the media over to the new tank or use some of the substrate (gravel or sand) from the main tank. Once it is moved, it will cycle the second tank in a few days. The original tank should not be affected. I keep extra sponges in the back of all of my tanks in case I need a QT tank in an emergency.
Thanks again. If I add the healthy filter media to the quarantine tank, what do I put in the existing tank?
I run both a hob AND a sponge filter in 2 of my tanks... if I need to set up a quarantine tank quickly , I could move one of the sponge filters to the quarantine tank and for a few fish it would be fine and it also will aerate the quarantine tank. I just add a small heater. I use a 9 gallon plastic tote container for qt.
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Always good to use a sponge or rocks n plants to get a new tank going from a main tank.makes perfect sense. I'm doughtful of gt tanks but that's my opinion.if yr so doughtful of yr source fish , then don't buy !
Always good to use a sponge or rocks n plants to get a new tank going from a main tank.makes perfect sense. I'm doughtful of gt tanks but that's my opinion.if yr so doughtful of yr source fish , then don't buy !
Stress alone can bring on disease. Even the most diligent lfs can’t control that. New fish will be stressed. All tanks have bacteria that can cause disease in them. Stressed fish = disease. All I will say on the matter but @Guppy10, you will come down with a disease eventually if you don’t QT your fish. You will then become a believer in QT tanks. :)

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