Going to the lf today, what should I get?


New Member
Jun 20, 2003
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Ok, need some advice. I have a 30 gallon with 3 assorted Platys, 1 Swordtail and 1 Chinese Bottom Feeder. I have about 4 fry Platys that I will be moving to the tank in a couple weeks, but would like to get some other fish also.

Of all my Platys in my 30 gallon, only 1 is female. Should I get more female Platys? I would really like to get some new kinds of fish. Should I get Mollies or Guppies?

Any advice would be appreciated!

I would recommend adding about three more female platies, bringing your totals to four females and two males if I did the math correctly. 2:1 is a nice ratio for females to males when dealing with live bearers. Otherwise, the males will pester/mate the females to near-death. Same goes with your swordtail - you didn't mention if it's a male or a female, but either way, it would appreciate a mate or several. I know it's tempting to fill your tank with a few of everything (boy, do I ever know lol), but for the sake of your fishies, it's nice if you ensure the ones you've got have appropiate companionship before adding more species.
Thanks for the advice Aquanut. I am off to get 3 females for the boys. :p

My Swordtail is a male also, so I'll get him a girlfriend too.

Well I'm back! Got 1 female sword (she's a beauty!) and my male has fallen deeply in love aleady. Plus I got two other females and my other male is in 7th heaven also. :wub:

Thanks for the advice! I have a very happy tank today.


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