Going To The Dark Side Possibly


Fortune favours the brave
Mar 5, 2010
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Dont worry im not going mad my large tank is staying tropical

But i have a 2x1x1 going spare at the moment and would love to start a small reef tank

is it to small or am i just about ok

all i really want is live rock a few frags a few hermits and maybe a couple of free swimmers
Dont worry im not going mad my large tank is staying tropical

But i have a 2x1x1 going spare at the moment and would love to start a small reef tank

is it to small or am i just about ok

all i really want is live rock a few frags a few hermits and maybe a couple of free swimmers

It's not a horrible size, only a bit small, like a 15g long, I think. It's just harder to maintain the balance of the system when you have a smaller volume of water. A lot more stuff can go wrong.

Have you done any SW reading?

yes quite a bit of reading what sort of sized tank would you recommend i dont want anything over 3 foot ideally as it will be going upstairs
Makes is about 60L :) nice sized little tank :) brave if its a first marine tank... but doable!

I would honestly advise getting a HOB (hang on back) filter so it takes up less space, you can modify media to how you need it and its good enough flow!

A small powerhead, coral sand, Evolution Aqua "Pure" bacteria balls (bloomin genius for marine tanks!!), decent liverock...

Trimma Gobies
Hectors Goby
Rainford Goby
Tailspot Blenny
Coral Goby
Mantis Shrimp (this would make an epic mantis tank!! they do tricks!! LOL)
Pistol Shrimp/Goby Pair
Signal Blenny
Neon Goby
Common Clowns (though territorial enough you might not be able to put any other fish in... but could have two orange, two black one one orange/one black).
Or even better, get a gigantonormous HOB, namely the Aquaclear70 and then modify it to be a refugium. This filter is fantastic for holding good amounts of chaeto, and if you construct the chambers well enough, you'll have enough room for the other stuff marine people put in their tanks that I don't personally bother with. The media. Can't go wrong with a Koralia nano 425, I've got one in my 8g, yep I've got that much flow. It's awesome.

What are those bacteria balls, never heard of them, esplain... :D

If you can get your hands on cured LR, haha, it's worth the price.

there is always cured LR around here for usually a reasonable price

im wondering why you are suggesting pistol shrimp? i seem to remember the can easily crack and smash glass

im honestly just thinking a few anenomes and a pair of clownload and if i could some clown loach

will look into the hobs i have never used one before

but this is turning into what i wanted a big challenge
having a hard time finding that HOB in the uk

also worked out ill need around 6 kilos of live rock which shouldnt be too expensive

now need to work out how much salt i will need etc
Evolution Aqua "Pure" bacteria balls (bloomin genius for marine tanks!!)

Aren't they used aand marketed for tropical tanks? The bacteria that grows in a tropical fish tank filter is completely different to the ones that are in your live rock. I don’t see how these would work in a marine system. If you placed a mature tropical filter on a marine tank the bacteria inside would die within minutes, and the same applies with the live rock in freshwater.
I know ALW, the rep is looking it up for me... but it works...

I have sold it to numerous people and used it myself. Used it to cycle my Fluval Edge, recently used it to cycle the Kent Marine tank but with some mature water.

I sold someone a Roma 125 with EFX 300 filter, sand, liverock, salted RO and a tube of the Evo Aqua Bio Balls and i tested their water every day and we could watch the cycle... on day 6 was added ammonia and it cycled through in so little time it was surprising. (they live right near the shop i used to work in so was easy to test).

So in 6-7 days the tank was completely cycled and its been running about 5-6 months now and they have never had a blip with water, tank is heavily stocked too.

Might be worth finding a shop that sells Salted RO to help setup your tank, it costs the same as buying RO and adding salt yourself.

Generally about £7.50 for 25L of Salted RO...
i would do that but as i have no transport and the nearest shop is around 6 miles away i will have no way of transporting 60L
I know ALW, the rep is looking it up for me... but it works...

I have sold it to numerous people and used it myself. Used it to cycle my Fluval Edge, recently used it to cycle the Kent Marine tank but with some mature water.

I sold someone a Roma 125 with EFX 300 filter, sand, liverock, salted RO and a tube of the Evo Aqua Bio Balls and i tested their water every day and we could watch the cycle... on day 6 was added ammonia and it cycled through in so little time it was surprising. (they live right near the shop i used to work in so was easy to test).

A tank with live rock wont cycle, the rock is already live!
You got your own Reverse Osmosis unit then? Sorry if you mentioned it lol

No, idea, rock was added 2 or 3 days after the water and pure balls. Went through the nitrogen cycle. Whether it is meant to or not. Same as my Kent tank has done.
i will have to buy one when it comes to it

having a hard time finding that HOB in the uk

Have a look at this


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