Going To Set Up For Shrimp For First Time


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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My son wanted me to change his set up that was in his room and liking a new challenge I obliged.

Its a 24x12x12 10g tank. I;ve bought some sand today as it was used for brackish up until last night.

I;ll clean it and fill up over the weekend and let it settle before adding anything

I'll put the nice sand in which is the same as in my discus tank, and put some small bits of bogwood in and a couple of plants from my discus tank probably vallis and a sword.

Now he wants some cherry shrimp and a few small fish.

How many cherry shrimp should he go for in a tank that size and the plan wouild be to have either some neons in there or cherry barbs as my lfs has some lovely cherry barbs in.

Would either of those fish be a threat to the adult cherrys

Cheers Simon
My son wanted me to change his set up that was in his room and liking a new challenge I obliged.

Its a 24x12x12 10g tank. I;ve bought some sand today as it was used for brackish up until last night.

I;ll clean it and fill up over the weekend and let it settle before adding anything

I'll put the nice sand in which is the same as in my discus tank, and put some small bits of bogwood in and a couple of plants from my discus tank probably vallis and a sword.

Now he wants some cherry shrimp and a few small fish.

How many cherry shrimp should he go for in a tank that size and the plan wouild be to have either some neons in there or cherry barbs as my lfs has some lovely cherry barbs in.

Would either of those fish be a threat to the adult cherrys

Cheers Simon
i think you could keep maybe 20 odd and i have kept neons and cherry shrimp together fine with some algae shrimp
I've kept Neon's with Amano's without any issues whatsoever if that helps.

Get 15 to start the colony then leave them for around a month and you will have around 40. The fish won't predate on the shrimp provided you create caves for molting. A better small fish would be a school of Endlers or the cherry barbs you mentioned as the lower temp of around 20C is ideal for the shrimp.
cheers for the replies!!

Just sortng the new sand in tank etc

Glad to hear the cherry barbs are good I;ve never kept them and they look beautful when fully grown

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