Going To Pick Them Up Today


Fish Crazy
Dec 22, 2004
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Ok well I havent told anyone here this yet, but I have been studying about breeding bettas for awhile now. My lfs has been holding a pair of crowntails for me that they ordered awhile ago while I get all of my breeding stuff. I think today is finally the day I am going to pick them up. My lfs is so nice, they said that they conditioned them, but just to be on the safe side I will be doing my "routine" to condition them myself. One question I have about breeding though is in the 10 gallon tank, should I keep gravel in there? Or should I take it out? I heard that when the eggs drop sometimes they can go inbetween the gravel and the male cant get them. And any other small details that they dont mention in books or things you all have noticed when you spawn them will help.
If you are going to breed are you thinking of only having the one tank or have you another tank that you will keeping the separated pair once they have finished their spawning ?

If you are going to be breeding remember you only need a small amount of water in the tank, don't fill it as you would normally, I usually have about 5/6 inches of water in the breeding tank and then as the fry grow I top up the water level .
If you are going to breed are you thinking of only having the one tank or have you another tank that you will keeping the separated pair once they have finished their spawning ?

I have a few empty ten gallons. 1 for the female fry, 1 for a recovery tank for the female, and a little smaller one for the male. Is that what you were asking?

thanks for the link
Well I went a head and trusted the guy who owns the store, he said he did condition them, and I cant really argue about that fact the female was so big and round when I got them both. And it helps he has over 30 years of experience in breeding bettas, and thats a lot more than me. But anyways I put the female in the glass vase last night, but no bubblenest what so ever. How much more time should I give the male, before I remove the female? Or should I just take the female out now?
Give them another day or so. I've had males take ages to make a bubblenest!!

And you may not get any fry this time, dont be too disheartened if you dont!! I now have 3 day old fry from a male i have tried four times with and was just about to give up on!! He finally got the hang of it with a more intelligent female to help him :lol:
Its funny because right when I got off of here and checked about 2 hours ago , he was making the bubblenest :) . Just out of curiosity. Whats the longest you all have ever waited for two bettas to actually spawn after you release the female?
It took Teelie and Mystery about 2 or 3 days to finally get round to it and then they were at it for about 12 hours! :X They were both first timers so it's quite probable they were just a bit slow. :lol:
oh wow! Did you ever take the female out at any time? And was the male picking on her a lot?
Same as you should froggy :) as i think you only really started into bettas about a month or two ago (ignore this post if you didnt) but it has taken me well over a year to read everything i need. And even now spawns are going wrong for me :( So i say read as much as you can, over and over again until you think you are ready :good:


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