Going to a sand tank this summer


Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
I'm switching my tank over to sand in the next couple of months. I have most of the details sorted out, I just have a few questions.

1. I'm wondering where I should get the sand from. The stuff at Petsmart is sooo expensive.
2. How much will I need to get? My tank is 35 gallons - about 3 feet long, 1 foot deep.

Thanks in advance!
Many sugestions have been said for kinds of sand to use for the cheap way to go

Play sand (in one of my tanks now works great)
Pool filter sand
Blasting sand

have all been said befor.

For most of these the sand is of a fairly small grain and I would not sugest using more than and inch of sand at the bottem of the tank...

If you plan to have sand shifters like catfish or golby, ect. you my want to be careful some studys have shown that the siica in playsand and pool filter sand will just shred their insides.

But my planted discus tank has play sand and kitty litter as a substrate, plants are doing well and the fish are happy as clams.
I have 1 cat fish... and want to get some loaches, so thats good to know. Maybe i'll go with the pool filter stuff. I'll check that out tomorrow.

you mentioned a substrate.... is this necessary unterneath the sand? can i use a thin layer of my existing gravel?
i would recommend using about 2 inches of sand if your tank is planted. i have 5 catfish and they like digging around in the sand, i dont think there insides are shred up because they've been in there for a while. i think the rule of thumb for the amount of sand is five pounds per ten gallons, but im not exactly sure.
Cool. Thanks. I'm going out to get it today!

Next question (I'm just full of them, aren't I?)

How do I go about cleaning the sand to put in my tank? How long will it take?
if it's an established tank be careful! put an amount of sand in a bucket, keep filling with water, and keep stirring. i always let it settle, dump the water, and keep repeating til water is clear. it may take a while

there is another type of sand you ca use which is called terrarium sand, it comes in a couple differnet colors, and in very fine. but as of now i would not recommend this sand, as i tried it in my tank, and i dont think the sand ever settles... my tank looks cloudy in a dark way (sand is black) and the sand has been in there over a month now! plus it's really expensive

i would recommend washed play sand, i have it in 3 tanks, i find this works best!
My plans are to move my fish over to another tank fill with their own water, and completely clean out the tank... wash everything, and re-cycle the water. i try to do this every year and a half to 2 years.
What's the point in recycling the tank?! Move the fish and their filter while you add the sand, then when you put the fish back, bring back the filter. You may have a mini-cycle, but probably not, and it's a lot better for your fish. :nod:
I do it when I;ve been having problems with my tank. I have been having a lot of nitrate problems lately and nothing I am doing ismaking any difference. Since December I have lost 7 fish. I have done this 3 times already since the tank has been up and running, and never have any problems.
So then you really only need to move the fish for just a little while. Could you move 26 fish into a 10 gallong tank while you sand your tank
I would think so. I go from a 35 to , maybe a 10 or 15 gal. Right now i only have 8 fish, but i have done it with upwards of 15/16 fish. and they were in there for a week and a half. no problems. i just had enough plants and hiding spaces for them
Sorrel are you telling me that i can just put my fish in smaller tank for like 1 hour while i switch gravel and they would be okay. And would the filter i have help, since the biowheel hold and release those good bacteria into the water. NEed answer soon trying maybe to do this over the weekend. And got to order the stuff like the sand for it to come by this weekend.
And when i move the fish to the other aquraium do i need to put them like in bags so they can adjust, or since it is the same water don't worry about it.
I've got sand in all my tanks, I paid through the ear for it though, didn't have a choice though, not much to choose from sand-wise in Ballarat :/ $15 per 10 kgs I paid and about one and a half bags - 2 bags was fine for my three footer. My sand is a bigger grain than most though, about 3 mm grit roughly. I have heard that smaller stuff can stuff filters, especially biowheels, but I use sponge filters. My water went cloudy for about a day - day and a half and then went crystal clear. I moved my fish out to start with then put them back in the next day when it was almost clear....they are all fine :)
Sorrell said:
Move the fish and their filter while you add the sand, then when you put the fish back, bring back the filter. You may have a mini-cycle, but probably not, and it's a lot better for your fish.
I will be putting in all new water ... fresh from the tap. I wouldn't want to get my fish all stressed out in bacteria free water.

Are you saying that the bacteria in the filter will be enough??

Cause that would certainly be easier than having an extra tank up for 2 weeks

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