Going Salty - Nano


Oct 5, 2004
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ususally in a state of shock aka derbyshire uk
so after a break from tropicals i thought i'd start the hobby again but then decided to go salty

so ive now got one of these http://aquariumsdelivered.co.uk/onlineshop/interpet-kent-marine-bio-reef-led-aquarium

had about 7kg of living rock in to start the maturing process and temp is pretty consistant, waters been tested and doing well so now looking at starting to stock it, im thinking of a captive bred clown to start but looking for advice from anyone with more experience than me (so thats probably most of you ;) )

also anyone know the best place to buy more living rock from with a chace of getting something still actually living on it?
Look at the classifieds for people who are taking down their tanks. That's usually a good place to find decent LR with stuff on it. I'm US so I don't know derbyshire.

Also, be sure to check out the nano resource center in the pinned topics above.

I highly recommend that you add all the LR you intend to before you add anything like a cleanup crew of even think about stocking with fish. A captive bred clown is fine for your setup. What type? There are many species.

What test kits do you have?

And welcome to the salty side of the forum.


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