Glowlight Tetras Dead


New Member
Oct 9, 2006
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Hi all. I did my 10% water change last night as I have done many many times to the wake up this morning to find one glowlight dead and another one laying stiff as a board but will still gill movement. My female glowlight (last one now!) is still fine but swimming around to try and find her mates! My four Zebra Danios are their usual mad self! Any ideas what this may have been? I have used no chemicals in the containers and treated the water as before......

PS - In my other tank running a Rena external filter I've got snails in it!!!
Stats would be good in ammonia, nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing go off in the tank.
Thanks for replying Wilder. The stats are as follows:

Temp - 24 celcius
Ammonia - 0.0-0.1 colour between both
Nitrite - 0.1
Nitrate - 0.0-12.5 colour between both

Two of my Danios were rubbing up against plants and rock but I cannot see any sign on parasites....

The last (the largest) Glowlight Tetra is now staying stationary until I put the air pump on - 24 hours on she has developed a white 'mould' (the only way I can describe it is like the stuff you'd get on bread) and this is just in front of the dorsal fin.

I have not introduced any new fish for many many months!

Any advise would be appreciated!! - I don't know whether to take her out and kill her........ GULP!
You have a slight nitrite reading there.
Is the mould fluffy looking.
Thanks Wilder! It is like icing sugar!! Wierd way of describing it I know!
Can you load a pic up, as it pointing two ways parasite to bacterial.
Do a water change to get that nitrite reading at 0.
Check the gills to see if there pale with excess mucas on them, or red and inflamed.
I've noticed her fin has been getting worse to Wilder.......

Looks like finrot to me, whats your location.
How many gallons is the tank as that nitrite reading should be 0.
Bad water quality can make fish flick and rub.

Sorry just seen the white patch it looks fluffy in the picture.
I'm in Gloucestershire...... Would you have any explanation why two apparently healthy Glowlights would die on the same night? Then this one just started to get this happening?...... Would it spread to my Danios and 2 Otos?

I cannot see anything abnormal with the gills.... I have owned all these fish for will over 8 months.

I did a water change last night - would you suggest doing another 10% tonight?
Need to get that nitrite reading down to 0.
Looks bacterial to me.
I would add some myxazin and pimafix to the tank.
Need to look at why you have that nitrite reading.
So tank size, how many fish.
How often do you maintain the tank.
What filter do you use.

Velvet can show it self in a white talc dusting.
Before I knew about stocking etc - I listened to the shop and they didn't mention about the tank being small for the fish I have. You did mention before about it being overstocked. It is a 15litre! With 4 Danios, now 1 Glowlight, 2 Otos and a Algae shrimp. I do 10% water changes every 3-4 days. The filter is in the hood.
Just noticed one thing with the Tetra - for every gill movement (take in of water), every fin is moved/twitched with it.....

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