GlowFish Danios in a 10 gallon?

There are so many other fish that they inject colors into the fish, but if you really think about it, by the time you buy a GlowFish, it is probably a couple of generations down, from the actual fish that got injected. This is a direct quote from

“The fluorescent color in GloFish is produced by an inherited fluorescent protein gene that is passed from generation to generation and creates the beautiful fluorescence that can be seen when looking at the fish. The fluorescent protein genes are derived from naturally occurring genes found in marine organisms.

GloFish are similar to other fish, except they have a much brighter disposition. GloFish are available in six stunning colors: Starfire Red®, Electric Green®, Sunburst Orange®, Cosmic Blue®, Galactic Purple®, and Moonrise Pink®.

Today’s GloFish fluorescent fish are bred from the offspring of fluorescent fish that were originally developed several years ago. Each new GloFish inherits its unique color directly from its parents, maintains the color throughout its life, and passes the color along to its offspring.

If you have any questions on GloFish or Glofish products please call 1-800-GLOFISH, anytime between 7:30am – 5:30pm EST, Monday through Friday.”

Do you trust it? :)
If you want glo fish then decide what type and how many you can keep in a 10G. Then just do it! We can give opinions, all different, for days. Sometimes you just gotta go with your gut and what YOU think will work. Good luck!
Thank you @Deanasue! But.....I want my fish to be happy And healthy, so I have decided to go with the 10 gallon divided betta tank. :)

Will someone please answer my question on post #13? Thanks! ;)
The way that glofish were created is right. They are genetically modified, that is their genes have been altered, in this case by injecting jellyfish or coral genes to make them more colourful. They are mentioned in the Notes at the bottom of the Seriously Fish profile

It's not just glofish that are banned in the EU; many GM food crops are also banned.
The EU has banned the sale and keeping of glofish so far as I know.
Yes they have. Unfortunately it doesn't mean there aren't any around, but at least you won't find them in the LFS.
Re post #13 - if the divider is not very securely held it can move with the water current. Bettas are experts in squeezing though the tiniest gap if there is something on the other side they want to reach - like a rival betta.

As for filtration and heating, I'll leave that to soemone who has kept bettas in divided tanks. I've only ever had one betta at a time.
I only entered the discussion on Glofish because seangee made an extremely important observation. There is too much of the "experimenting just because they are fish" attitude in this hobby. Aquarists should be responsible, but this takes teaching and learning. While the explanation in post #16 is, as essjay noted, basically true, the issue is modifying species just to humour those who will then spend money to acquire the oddballs. Which was what seangee was trying to get across. If these individuals want to actually do something of benefit, let them spend the money/time on preserving the habitat environments for the species that live in them, which frankly are far more important to life than any we may produce from them.
My LFS does that carry them, because of that very reason, they actually have a sign about you not supporting the trade. :)
Hello TFF people!

First of all, is this website accurate?

Secondly, would it be possible to keep GlowFish in a 10 gallon tank?

I have seriously been considering dividing my 10 gallon tank because I love betta fish so much (#BETTSROCK), would that be possible? Would I have to drain the hole tank in order to do that?

Thank you for your time! :)

You should be fine, I've got 3 tetras + a CAE in a 5 gallon and they're all living well :)

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