GlowFish Danios in a 10 gallon?


Fish Guru
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May 8, 2019
Reaction score
Lawrenceburg, KY
Hello TFF people!

First of all, is this website accurate?

Secondly, would it be possible to keep GlowFish in a 10 gallon tank?

I have seriously been considering dividing my 10 gallon tank because I love betta fish so much (#BETTSROCK), would that be possible? Would I have to drain the hole tank in order to do that?

Thank you for your time! :)
Danios, whether normal or glofish danios, are much too fast swimming to go in 10 gallons, unless the tank is a very strange shape. They need 36 inches swimming length, if not longer. i would not trust any site that says they can be kept in 10 gallons.

To divide a tank you would need to drain it down because the divider needs to be securely fixed in position, usually siliconed or glued. This has to be done in an empty tank. The divider also needs to go right to the bottom of the tank with substrate pushed up against both sides, and be a taller than the water surface as bettas can and will jump over the divider to get to the fish on the other side.
Agree, 100%.
What happened to the Danio you had? If you divide the 10G then you can put 2 bettas in. What happened to the idea of Neon Tetras? If you only raise bettas then you are only going to learn about bettas. If you want to grow your knowledge of fish then expand your experience with other breeds. If you aren’t Happy with the 10G then sell it and buy a 20G long. You can get one at Petco’s Dollar A Gallon for $20.00. That will give you more options. JMO
Good point, I just love bettas so much, and I want to have more than 1. So I would need to completely drain the 10 gallon in order to put a divider in? (And maybe I could put the 1 Danio I have, into the 5 gallon, that way he has more swim space then just a 1.5g tank.)

(Also, any good ideas on a DIY divider? :)
I made 2 of these for less than $10. I used the plastic craft mesh at Walmart. I made my measurements and cut 2 pieces to fit the tank. Then I cut a piece of plastic black report cover the same size and placed in between the 2 mesh pieces so the fish couldn’t see each other. I then put a few drops of silicone in between edges to gently hold them together and took a small screw driver and heated it over the gas stove and pushed it through some of the holes so water could flow through. (See pic). Finally, I took report cover spines and secured them to each of 3 sides with aquarium safe silicon. I then glued the side without the spine to the bottom of tank and 2 of the sides with spines to the sides of the tank with the aquarium safe silicone glue.. Be sure to measure your center of tank and mark it before gluing divider in. Works like a charm!
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That’s cool! Will that cause stress, because the bettas can see each other? :)
Form a purely personal perspective I have a major issue with genetically modified species purely for commercial gain. It is incomprehensible (IMHO) that a company would spend money adding genetic material from other species (not even fish species), and then patenting the end result, when there are so many existing species in danger of extinction.

Added to this is the creation of a demand for fish that are cool or different. So all of a sudden we have fruit fish, pastel fish (etc. because if you create your own fish you can call it whatever you like). Unfortunatley a lot of these "designer" fish are created by hand painting their scales or injecting dye into them. I would happily support a worldwide ban on such practices (it is banned in the EU) because while there is a demand people will keep doing it.

Ignoring my personal qualms about genetic modification when you go into store to buy a glofish, how are you to know if it is gentically engineered or simply injected (or even painted). There are plenty of naturally fluorescant species if that is what floats your boat.
Could you not do that? Like could you get one that fit so well you wouldn’t have to? Also, I have the problem of the filter and the heater, and the space that thoses take up, what is your suggestion? :)
Ok, reading what you said, @seangee, I have decided not go with GlowFish, but to go with a divided 10 gallon betta tank, thanks! :)
Form a purely personal perspective I have a major issue with genetically modified species purely for commercial gain. It is incomprehensible (IMHO) that a company would spend money adding genetic material from other species (not even fish species), and then patenting the end result, when there are so many existing species in danger of extinction.

Added to this is the creation of a demand for fish that are cool or different. So all of a sudden we have fruit fish, pastel fish (etc. because if you create your own fish you can call it whatever you like). Unfortunatley a lot of these "designer" fish are created by hand painting their scales or injecting dye into them. I would happily support a worldwide ban on such practices (it is banned in the EU) because while there is a demand people will keep doing it.

Ignoring my personal qualms about genetic modification when you go into store to buy a glofish, how are you to know if it is gentically engineered or simply injected (or even painted). There are plenty of naturally fluorescant species if that is what floats your boat.

Well said indeed. Thank you. The hobby discredits all such artificially-whatever made fish. The only way to stop this nonsense is to not buy them, and tell the store why. The EU has banned the sale and keeping of glofish so far as I know. We are in the midst of the largest mass extinction of species in the history of this planet, and that is far more important than manufacturing glofish.

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