Glow Light Danio


Fish Crazy
Apr 4, 2010
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I bought a glow light danio today because it looked so cool in the fish shop! I've never seen them before, and I thought it would go well with my 2 zebra danios and 2 leapord danios.
Can anyone please tell me anything about it? Are they rare? I read somewhere that there are genetically modified glow light danios and true glow light danios. If so how do you tell the difference, and pictures of the 2 would be appreciated.
As far as i know, same fish, different names.

The are not rare in the US, but I do believe they are illegal in some places (please, someone correct me if I am wrong!)

they make a great lively addition and require the same care as other danios.

However, danios are schooling fish so the more the merrier! they will be happiest in a large school - - how large is your tank?
As far as i know, same fish, different names.

The are not rare in the US, but I do believe they are illegal in some places (please, someone correct me if I am wrong!)

they make a great lively addition and require the same care as other danios.

However, danios are schooling fish so the more the merrier! they will be happiest in a large school - - how large is your tank?

Yeah I'm thinking of getting another 1 to keep him happy! I have a feeling it's just the glofish that are illegal. I did some research and I don't think it's a glofish now lol :L thanks for the help!
Do you mean glofish, the genetically modified zebra danio, or glowlight danio, Danio choprai, a completely different species?
The profile, with a pic, of D Choprai is here so you can see which you have.
Ahhh i'm pretty sure it's the glow light danio! Do you know if they are rare or hard to come across?
They aren't as common as zebra danios, but I've seen them in a couple of shops near me. You may have to look in a few shops, but I would think that you should be able to find some.
if you ca get a number of the same species, as I found they schooled much tighter than my zebras and also lower in the water column.
I bought a glow light danio today because it looked so cool in the fish shop! I've never seen them before, and I thought it would go well with my 2 zebra danios and 2 leapord danios.
Can anyone please tell me anything about it? Are they rare? I read somewhere that there are genetically modified glow light danios and true glow light danios. If so how do you tell the difference, and pictures of the 2 would be appreciated.

Glo-fish (the modified danios) are:


Yours is:


Info on the glowlight danio

Should be kept in shoals and will need a larger tank that you might think due to being highly active fish. Should be kept in groups of 6 of the same species. Don't rely on your zebras and leopards (who should also be in shoals of 6) being good shoal-mates.

I wish fish shops would stop recommending "one of this and one of that" with shoaling fish.
They aren't as common as zebra danios, but I've seen them in a couple of shops near me. You may have to look in a few shops, but I would think that you should be able to find some.

Yeah I've only seen them in one of the three shops that are near me.

if you ca get a number of the same species, as I found they schooled much tighter than my zebras and also lower in the water column.

Yeah I noticed that my zebra and leapord danios aren't very tight schoalers. I bought him another glow light danio to keep him company today- and they are swimming round together!

I bought a glow light danio today because it looked so cool in the fish shop! I've never seen them before, and I thought it would go well with my 2 zebra danios and 2 leapord danios.
Can anyone please tell me anything about it? Are they rare? I read somewhere that there are genetically modified glow light danios and true glow light danios. If so how do you tell the difference, and pictures of the 2 would be appreciated.

Glo-fish (the modified danios) are:


Yours is:


Info on the glowlight danio

Should be kept in shoals and will need a larger tank that you might think due to being highly active fish. Should be kept in groups of 6 of the same species. Don't rely on your zebras and leopards (who should also be in shoals of 6) being good shoal-mates.

I wish fish shops would stop recommending "one of this and one of that" with shoaling fish.

Yes mine is definitely the second one- glow lights! Yeah i didn't realise- but I get the impression now that they don't really know what they are talking about. I bought him another glow light danio to go with him- and they've palled up and are swimming round together and playing! Thanks
They aren't as common as zebra danios, but I've seen them in a couple of shops near me. You may have to look in a few shops, but I would think that you should be able to find some.

Yeah I've only seen them in one of the three shops that are near me.

if you ca get a number of the same species, as I found they schooled much tighter than my zebras and also lower in the water column.

Yeah I noticed that my zebra and leapord danios aren't very tight schoalers. I bought him another glow light danio to keep him company today- and they are swimming round together!

I bought a glow light danio today because it looked so cool in the fish shop! I've never seen them before, and I thought it would go well with my 2 zebra danios and 2 leapord danios.
Can anyone please tell me anything about it? Are they rare? I read somewhere that there are genetically modified glow light danios and true glow light danios. If so how do you tell the difference, and pictures of the 2 would be appreciated.

Glo-fish (the modified danios) are:


Yours is:


Info on the glowlight danio

Should be kept in shoals and will need a larger tank that you might think due to being highly active fish. Should be kept in groups of 6 of the same species. Don't rely on your zebras and leopards (who should also be in shoals of 6) being good shoal-mates.

I wish fish shops would stop recommending "one of this and one of that" with shoaling fish.

Yes mine is definitely the second one- glow lights! Yeah i didn't realise- but I get the impression now that they don't really know what they are talking about. I bought him another glow light danio to go with him- and they've palled up and are swimming round together and playing! Thanks

How big is your tank? If it isn't big enough for larger groups, I'd suggest you return the zebra and leopards and exchange them for more glowlights. These guys shoal in their hundreds in the wild and keeping them in 2s and 3s isn't really fair on them, which makes it so sad that shops gives such bad advice about them :angry: they're a fish that often gets recommended for small tanks as well and due to their speed and activity, they should be kept in 10 gallon tanks min (for the glowlights) and 15 gallon min (for the leopards and zebras).

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