

Crazy Crab Lady
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Jul 23, 2004
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Northeastern USA
Just curious: where do you all get your tank gloves from? I don't really have an impending need for a pair at the moment, but I've been looking and havn't found anything that I trust. Usually the ones I see have linings that leave a residue; I don't like that. Do you guys get gloves that go all the way up your arm so the lining stays dry, or have ones without linings?
Cant help with a local supplier as I am about 6000 miles away


what you need is Latex Powder FREE Gloves

Defo a good idea when deling with corals
WE dont need no stinking gloves :D. j/k. Chac is right though, latex-free gloves are what you want. Check medical or chemistry suppliers. I have no idea if they sell them, but since they sell just about everything, you might want to check out McMaster
WE dont need no stinking gloves
LOL that's what I thought until I got popped a good one by my biggest anemone. Not to mention all the bristleworms...I will need hand armor if I ever need to rearrange or dig in the substrate.

I take it I need to be looking at special outlets, not the usual hardware store type stuff?
Yeah, you can get them there, but jeez, I never like paying for my first born sun for shipping from foster
I dont know why everyone is so down on fosters shipping. I ordered a bunch of stuff from them from two different catalogues, and it was 9$. They even broke up the shipment and mailed it in two peices so i got stuff faster. The only other store i order from is pet solutions...and they are are right about the same price. Wait, i just ordered those magnetic powerhead holders and for two of them shipping was 7.95$ so dont get down on fosters! they arent that bad.
Hey folks, just curious, but what if you don't have coral in the tank? Do you still need gloves?
If I can't find some local outlet I guess I could order...I was kind of hoping to be able to see what sizes I was getting though so I don't wind up with gloves that are like wearing boats on my hands.

what if you don't have coral in the tank? Do you still need gloves?

If you have bristleworms the size of the ones I've got... :crazy: then gloves are the way to go. That's the main concern in my tank, not corals. Currently I can't safely put my hand under a rock or into the substrate without risking getting stuck with 1/4-inch bristles. My worm problem is nothing of what it used to be, but it's still a decent hazard for hands in the tank.
Ok well, Foster's shipping isn't astronomical, but its still very expensive. I can order those gloves from mcmaster today at 4:59pm, pay a whopping $5 in shipping and they'll be at my door at 11:00am tommorrow morning. Call me crazy, but thats a good deal :D.

As an aside to londonwriter, I pretty much agree with Donya, unless you have massive bristleworms in your tank you can go with a no-glove policy having no corals. I have a tank full of coral and still dont use gloves. I'm sure at some point I'll get stung by something, but I prefer having the tactile sensations when working in the tank.
I agree with ski about being able to feel what your working with. That is a the big downside to the gloves, the upside though is that you dont have to constantly wash your hands, or be completly certain that you didnt touch anything that could hurt your tank inhabitants in the last hour or three. So for me its more for the contamination issue than the stinging corals. As in most of life, you trade some good for some bad. Just what your looking for in the end.
I'm sure at some point I'll get stung by something, but I prefer having the tactile sensations when working in the tank.

I still have that luxury in my 5 gallon. Everything in there is probably too small to risk manhandling with gloves as well. But the bristleworms in my 12g...and the nem...and the CBS that periodically gets ticked and runs over to beat up my hand :lol: Oh so many things in that tank that want to nip/prickle/sting me out of evilness. Not sure why it's wound up like that while my 5g is happy land. Each tank has its own personality I guess.
Good tip rob :good:. I've been bit/stung by far worse things in the ocean than are in my tank, so I'm not terribly concerned. Triggerfish and fire coral HURTS
my dad has loads!

Loads of what - Dentists or Gloves :lol:

Bugger going to a dentist for them - Last time I was there he stabbed me :shout: IN THE MOUTH :shout: & charged me 300.00 pounds for the pleasure

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