Glossary Of Terms

I have a few more for you just pick out what you want.

BBA Black Beard Algae, Black Brush Algae, or Red Algae.
BBS – Baby Brine Shrimp.
BGA – Blue-green Algae or Cyanobacteria.
Ferts – Fertilizers.
Fry – Fish larvae (baby fish).
HOT – Hang On Tank Filter. An External Filter which is hung on the tank.
Ich – The fish parasite Ichthyophthirius
K – Kelvin – Temperature scale used to designate light intensity.
LPS – Local Pet Store
MTS – 1. Malaysian Trumpet Snail (Melanoides tuberculata).
MTS – 2. Many Tank Syndrome.
Mbuna - (Pronounced um-BOO-nuh) African word for "rockfish."
Milt – Fish semen
Mulm – Solid waste materials such as plant parts, fish excrement and leftover food in various stages of decomposition.
Nano Reef – A small Reef Aquarium
OFS – Online Fish Store.
PFS – Pool Filter Sand.
pH – Measurement of the degree of acidity of water
PMDD – Poor Man's Dupla Drops.
UGJ – Under Gravel Jets. A DIY system of pipes and outlets set up to circulate water just above the Substrate, to reduce Dead Spots or the accumulation of Mulm on the Substrate
Vent – 1. n. The uro-genital opening of fish
WPG – Watts Per Gallon
CB = a fish that was bred in an aquaculture facility
TR = a fish caught in the ocean as a fry or juvie and raised in an aquarium
MC = Maricultured, a fish that was CB in an ocean net pen
WC = Wild Caught, same abbreviation for Water Change, but the context can usually seperate the two.
i have just seen PITA and MR - which aren't on here and I have no idea what they mean.... anyone able to help?

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