As someone who owns 3 Glofish (rescues from Craigslist) I would never buy them and prefer the natural beauty of fish like Cardinal Tetras, but I see nothing wrong with the fish themselves. Nothing is done to them that wouldn't happen to any other fish. They are not dipped, dyed, tattooed or tortured. Yes, the first few were genetically spliced, but I'm going to take a guess and say that happened in a test tube. Personally, I am ok with changing a few fish to help out the whole pond. Having owned a few i can personally say that despite their rocky start with their first home they are just as healthy, active, and happy as the zebra danio they school with. I can understand why people don't want other people to change things, but we need to face the fact that we ballsed up some of the world pretty bad, and if colorful fish are going to help us un-ballsify the world in even a little way, then let there be colorful fish.
That being said, I'm have no love for the Glofish company themselves. They promote their fish as.. almost fun little ornaments or easy pets. Almost like petco does with betta. And I defiantly have a beef with most people who buy them. They tend to be impulse buyers who see pretty fish and grab at them. The poor guys I got were in a 2 gallon hex with 2 rosy barbs and did everything but chew through the glass to find more room to swim.