Glofish For A Beginner


New Member
Sep 8, 2008
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I am currently in a fishless cycle with my 10 g tank. I wanted to get some glofish, which are apparently genetically altered zebra danios. Are these okay for first fish? I want to eventually get a Dwarf Gourami and an Dwarf African Frog, Would the glofish be compatible? How many should I get?

Yes, they would be fine in a cycled 10 gallon tank. I've noticed that African Dwarf frogs seem to do better in groups of like 3, and the hardest thing in the world to feed, so I wouldn't reccomend them for a begennier. You could get The Dwarf Gourami, In stead of the from I might get a platy of a few female bettas.
grrr, glofish strike again, no offense, i just dont like the fact that they genetically engineer fishies, if i were u id get normal zebra danios, but either way, both r shoaling fish and should be kept in groups of at least 4 or 5, and they need a slightly bigger tank, tho thats my opinion, but i suppose u could keep 4 in a 10 gallon happily. i dont kno much about ADF's, but w/ the glofish i dont kno if theyre would be enuf room for dwarf gouramis, but if u do decide on these fish this is my suggestion, 4 glofish (or zebra danios) MAXIMUM and ONE dwarf gourami MAXIMUM, no more otherwise u will stress the fish. sry i might be being harsh so sry 4 that, i just want begginers to hav the right info. oh and do not listen to fish stores cuz theyll say thing like 'Oh, well u can keep 10 glofish, 2 gouramis, and 5 ADFs in a 10gallon and youll still hav room for guppies' or something like that. No offense 2 ppl who r knowledgeable and work in pet stores, just saying thats wut some inexperienced ppl say. hope this helps! -heart :wub: , ally86ozzy
Yeah NEVER beliveve fish stores. They are only interested in selling fish and makeing money. Don't over do your bio load. Its one inch per gallon, You have a 10 gallon tank. That would be 10 inches of fish **This DOES NOT mean you can go get an oscar and put it in there and have it live happily** 4-5 Glow fish would be fine. I would avoid the frogs. A gourmy might be boring for a tank with schooling fih, so I'd get another non schooling fish os 2 inches. I love the idea of female bettas and have 1 in most all of my tanks.
I had 3 adf, they were so awkward to feed, had to tweezer them bloodworms daily which got tedious, they only lasted a few weeks. If you get some be careful that they do not get stuck in your filter, one of mine did and died

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