GloFish breeding

wow, i wonder why they dont make them sterile, id be worryed about them makeing their way back into the wild population -_- (not like a glwoing fish would last long in the wild :lol: )
Woah, wait, they GLOW? Holy $hitl!!!

Do they just glow green or like rainbow colors like those deep sea fish?
NinjaSmurf said:
Woah, wait, they GLOW? Holy $hitl!!!

Do they just glow green or like rainbow colors like those deep sea fish?
they flouresce, so light of various spectrums hits them and comes off red, Sort of like those orange vests road crew wear.
Oh. Darn, I was sorta hoping for something like those deepsea lamp fish... oh well... they still sound cool.
Can you describe the other symtoms or strange behavior the fish are showing? Because these fish have been highly modified it i posible that the dis-coloring is simply a genetic mutation which there is not much you can do about but shouldn't be a problem as long as the fish appears to be in no discomfort.
GuppyDude said:
wow, i wonder why they dont make them sterile, id be worryed about them makeing their way back into the wild population -_- (not like a glwoing fish would last long in the wild :lol: )
I'd imagine the main reason for them bein sterile is that the company doesn't want other people making money breeding them.
If you put a UV LED in your tank then there will be no visible ligt and the fish will flouresce, the chlorophyl might too.

Tokis-Pheonix, I'm not sure you are familiar with these fish, they aren't highly modified they inserted one gene, The flourescence isn't a side effect, its the effect, side effects include decresed fecundity and resistance to cold.

Ooo, The medaka that were girst sold in asia were sterile, these ZD's were never said to have been sterilised, its just that people remembered the story about the medaka and they combine the two of them.
thats exactly what i did :fun: :D , iv got a question now thats off topic, instead of dyeing fish, why dont they just add a gene like they did for these little guys? it would be a great contribution to fish keeping, dyeing must be completely eliminated! -_-
they WERE meant to be sterile, but looks like that didn't work out quite as well as the company had planned if you are getting fry from them :)

As for the fat female, she may very well be gravid (full of eggs) - sterility implies that the eggs have no way of hatching, not that no eggs can be produced by the fish.

As for all of those who think these fish are "digusting abominations", please consider that the poor little fish did nothing wrong. Yes it is sad that they were chosen to be exploited as a means to detect toxins (the original glofish were meant to glow while certain poisons were present), and it is even sadder that they are now mass-produced and marketed as if they were toys and not living things. But don't hate the fish, they did nothing wrong...

...and I think glowing fish would be cool...
No they WERE NOT , The People who made these Zebra Danios never once claimed that they were sterile, that was the tk-1 green rice carp (an asian killie fish)

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