Glo Fish Dead Overnight, Molly Fine


New Member
Dec 28, 2022
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Hello all,

I am new to the fish world and am trying to figure out where I went wrong. I have owned Betta fish for years and decided to try a tank with some new fish. I got 3 Glofish Tetras and a Lyretail Molly from the store yesterday. I went to bed at 2 AM and woke up to find the 3 Glofish dead and the Molly swimming around fine.

Test strip info:
Tank size: 10 gal
tank age: 2 days
pH: 7
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
kH: 120-180
gH: 60
tank temp: 78

Tank has filter and those round beeds (came with the tank), as well as a large bubble wall and a pump to help with water flow on the far side of the tank. Typical decorations and then crushed coral and pebbles for the bottom.

Any thoughts? My questions:

Is the Molly safe? I’ve pulled it out of the tank currently.

Thoughts as to what happened to the Glofish? Is it a water or a schooling issue?

I’ve removed the dead ones but do I need to completely clean the tank now?

Should and when should I get new fish?
Welcome to TFF

A 2 day old tank won't be cycled, so the deaths may be from ammonia poisoning
What kind of test kit are you using?

What is your source water hardness? Mollies are hard water fish, tetras prefer soft, not a good idea to mix the two.

Again, a 2 day old tank will not be cycled, unless seeded media is used from an established tank.

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