Glo-fish Breeding

Butch, I'm not certain that you really understand how "genetic pollution" works. I'll try an itemized approach.
  1. Glofish are just genetically modified zebra danios
  2. Glofish glow because of a single gene sequence
  3. Either a fish has this gene or it doesn't
  4. If a fish has this gene, then it is a Glofish
  5. If it does not have this gene, then it is a zebra danio
  6. The glow gene is dominant
  7. If a fish has two copies of the glow gene, then it will glow brightly
  8. If a fish has one copy of the glow gene, then it will glow dully
  9. If a fish has no copies of this gene, then it is a zebra danio

Because Glofish are zebra danios, the only risk of genetic pollution is of a type that produces more Glofish. You will never have a situation where two normal-looking zebra fish will produce Glofish fry.

Also, while Glofish are not sterile, they are less fertile than standard zebra danios. Thus any Glofish introduced to a wild population of zebra danios will be out-bred by the zebras. Additionally, the bright color of any Glofish fry would make them more vulnerable to predators. Thus any Glofish would be naturally selected out of a wild population of zebra danios.

Really, if you think about it, the situation of Glofish versus zebra danios is almost exactly the same as that of long-finned Betta splendens versus wild-type Betta splendens... (except for the jellyfish genes, of course)

Actually, the "glowing gene" has a lethal factor, so if they get two copies of the glow gene, they never hatch and develop. This is why they're "less fertile" than regular zebra danios--1/4 of the fry never develop.
Man am I glad I found this thread. So I worked at a petstore for about 9 months, and we were the only place that didn't sell glo fish. But now I do have some and I've had them for just a little while. But I want to try to breed them. Just to experiment around and keep some, give some away to some friends. But I have NO clue on how to get started on breeding these underwater beauties. Any body got any tips for me? Thanks!
Glofish give me a headache . It's like the line between illegal and legal, and glofish are scribbles.

IMO I would hate to be that brightly colored.
The common problem I have found with my Glos are that they will breed with any Danio in the tank. Having said that I now have Long Finned Glos that have the black stripes and long fins of a Long Finned Danio but the coloring between the black stripes is the same as that of a Glo. They are quite a pair (only two survived my Pictus Cat) and very lively. It is my theory that if you cross the different breeds of Danio you will end up with a "Mutt" much like when two dogs breed who are not of the same breed. Their fry may posess traits from each parent. In another instance I also had a peachy colored Glo and a yellow Glo produce a bright pink fry (they were the only two fish in that tank at the time) however no other fry survived their parents. In my mixed tank I have noticed that my Glos often have chosen to breed with and pair with my Long Fins; strange isn't it? I do enjoy having them in two of my tanks and other than my Long Fins and Glos I do not have any other Danios in my tanks. Off the subject but still the same in terms of breeding my Platys mix and match at their leisure as well. Perhaps my fish are just weird but I thought I would share my bit o' knowledge with you all. Take care.

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