Glens Journal

I would avoid the scallops as feeding them is apprently very difficult and they dont normally survive very well.

Also be careful on the starfish as well as these are often more difficult to look after then you think (always impotant to read up on them as much as possible before hand).
Yeh Sea Stars are strange...most sites selling them say they are easy,info sites say nothing and forums say they are touch and go..some are easy and some are impossible.

Looking at mine made me think i would of got away with a fake one cos they don't do alot lol!!

The Mrs Loves it tho.

I was thinking adding the Fire Shrimp and the Clown this weekend,on his own either a Clarkii,Ocellaris or one of the the elusive Perculas if anybody has one,i'm not interested in Tomato's or Skunks as i think they dont look nice.

Then i think i will add the Strawberry and Humbug in the next year

I stil want to buy another 5kg of LR in small pieces just as touch ups on my stack to.

Then its saving up £160 for my skimmer and external filter.

Do you think i need both? some mates are saying the filter and power head isent enough flow in my tank but i got no extra plug sockets so this could be a stumbling block,i have 5 spare power heads..i suppose i could replace the air pump with a powerhead but i love the LED light....i could replace the internal filter with a powerhead but then i wouldnt get the added bonus of floss and carbon....decisions decisions..!

I'm gonna buy 50 litres of RO off seanie next week so that will keep my water changed going for around 6 it ok to keep RO water for that long?
tank looks great glen :good:

on the ro can keep it for months as long as you store it in an airtight container
Cheers for the response mate.

Come on guys help me to decide...

Clarkii Vs. Ocellaris

Pros and cons....which shall i go for?

I was think since my tank is going to be quite agressive in the end (2 x damsels,strawberry,yellow tang as tank mates) that maybe Clarkii would be the better option :S

I think Ocellaris are more hardy tho?

Perculas are non existant around here and my 3 lfs's say they are to much work/to sensetive.
Hmmm both types of clowns are nice but yeah probably the clarkii would work better here.

With regards to the powerheads yeah you probably could use more flow. You can get 10 socket extension plugs which is what I use.

You dont really need an external filter but it is handy just to put chemical media in. I would suggest if you are going to get an external filter either get one with a heater built in or get an inline heater as then you have one less bit of kit in the tank.
Cheers for the advice mate,i'm looking at one that has a UV steriliser and heater built in,the current heater is cool tho as you cant see it!

Added a Adult Clarkii Clwn (£18),Strawberry Dottyback (£16) and a Humbug Damsel (£6) today,it was a battle royal when i first put themn in! with the Clarkii coming out on top

it went down like from the Hardest first..

1.Clarkii Clown (undipsuted champion of fish mma) lol!
2.Yellow Tail Blue
3.Strawberry Dotty

and the Yellow Tang was the referee cos he stayed out of it :p

They are all swimming around together like best buds now after i fed them,i think it was a good idea to add all these semi aggressive fish at close times and the bicker and the aggression is spread out....and no one bothers the Tang at all.

My cleaner shrimp climbed on my hand as usual earlier....but! my hand was outside the tank,so i had him sat on my hand outside of the tank lol! i put him back in soon enough tho.

All i'm gonna add now is the Fire Shrimp and Red Legs,the rest of my money is going on more LR,Skimmer and External Filter...i have 5 spare powerheads that were given to me.
Yeah probably a good call on the aggression front. All of them are pretty aggressive so at least this way its not one fish that is getting all the flak. Now we just need more photos :)
New pics

I added another Powerhead in today and unplugged the bubble bar thing,I'm gonna grab a 6 way adapter tommorow then i can have 3 powerheads,filter,air bar,lights and heater all running and when i get my external filter i will replace the internal with that.












Cat Fish... hehe

I think once i move over to RO i should get some stony corals to go on top all diff colours and after a couple more months a carpet anenome.
I thought t5's were adequate? deffo dont want halides!

Plus if they are on top of the stack they will be like 6" away from the t5s.
with individual reflectors they are. But they are the standard tank lights though arent they? If so i doubt they have individual reflectors. Just something to look into. 4 tubes would probably give adequate light all over the tank.
they are 2x 2ft t5s with a reflector underneath each light.

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