Cheers for the advice mate,i'm looking at one that has a UV steriliser and heater built in,the current heater is cool tho as you cant see it!
Added a Adult Clarkii Clwn (£18),Strawberry Dottyback (£16) and a Humbug Damsel (£6) today,it was a battle royal when i first put themn in! with the Clarkii coming out on top
it went down like from the Hardest first..
1.Clarkii Clown (undipsuted champion of fish mma) lol!
2.Yellow Tail Blue
3.Strawberry Dotty
and the Yellow Tang was the referee cos he stayed out of it
They are all swimming around together like best buds now after i fed them,i think it was a good idea to add all these semi aggressive fish at close times and the bicker and the aggression is spread out....and no one bothers the Tang at all.
My cleaner shrimp climbed on my hand as usual earlier....but! my hand was outside the tank,so i had him sat on my hand outside of the tank lol! i put him back in soon enough tho.
All i'm gonna add now is the Fire Shrimp and Red Legs,the rest of my money is going on more LR,Skimmer and External Filter...i have 5 spare powerheads that were given to me.