Glass Catfish With White Stripes


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
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stoke on trent
hi everyone, im hoping someone can help, ive had my tropical fish for 3 yrs and have rarely had problems with the tank or fish, the occasional outbreak of whitespot but thats about it. its a community tank and ive tested the wate with brandnew water test kit incase the other had expired and i still have a problem with one of my glass catfish. they are a group of four and are happy except for one!
ok ive checked al the books for this but dont know what it is. this fishes body looks like it has lots of white streaks on it, like its rubbed some paint on it. im pretty sure it isnt whitespot as they are not spots at all, these are like 5mm long strips of white and is clearly visible rom a considerable distance. i do a 30% water change every week as i have done for yrs and have had these catfish for 6-7 months now.
any ideas would greatly aprreciate it, the fish is eating well and seems quite happy in itself, so i dont want to put any medication in till im sure it needs it,
thanks, claire

just to confirm, these dashes of white are a few mm long there must be about 20 theyve appeared over a couple of days but the fish is happy enough swimming with its mates and eatin normaly, these white dashes appear to be underneath its transparent skin, its a real mystery to me!
Does this sound like what is going on?

"The body coloring is white to blue and somewhat translucent. There are two other stripes that become more pronounced with age. One extends along the top of the back, while the other along the belly."
hi everyone, im hoping someone can help, ive had my tropical fish for 3 yrs and have rarely had problems with the tank or fish, the occasional outbreak of whitespot but thats about it. its a community tank and ive tested the wate with brandnew water test kit incase the other had expired and i still have a problem with one of my glass catfish. they are a group of four and are happy except for one!
ok ive checked al the books for this but dont know what it is. this fishes body looks like it has lots of white streaks on it, like its rubbed some paint on it. im pretty sure it isnt whitespot as they are not spots at all, these are like 5mm long strips of white and is clearly visible rom a considerable distance. i do a 30% water change every week as i have done for yrs and have had these catfish for 6-7 months now.
any ideas would greatly aprreciate it, the fish is eating well and seems quite happy in itself, so i dont want to put any medication in till im sure it needs it,
thanks, claire

hi thanks for the reply no it sound nothing like it, il try to attach a photo, im completely lost with this one, bear with me,
it appears to be under the skin, ive looked with a magnifyer and at the tank dead on, its deffinately not protruding, im wondering if it is some kind of parasite under the skin? none of the other fish have it or no spots, no whitespot, i thought it was whitespot but its definately not,

it is a little fuzzy too ive noticed, they are not perfect white dashes, some are bolder than others,its deffo under its skin,
If it was fuzzy and white, i wast thinking possibly columnaris, but that is either open sores or "fungus" However it can show up as a white lip without the fuzz. I know its not on his lip, more just thinking out loud.

If you can get a pix that could be really helpful.

does it look like the fish in this pix?
hi thanks for staying up im sorry about all this! i have tried to take photos but its hopeless, il try again tomorow i think natural light will be better, these dont show it up at all, its deffinatelty inside the fish. its like fuzzy dashes, like he has scuffed his skin rubbing it on something abrasive if that sounds any more clearer? along his dark spine i have noticed one of the dashes has a red tinge to it that looks like part of his spine, oh god it sounds worse now doesnt it? i cant bear to lose him if its treatable i hope im doing the describing right. im worried incase the others catch it, i dont have an isolation tank it smashed 2 month ago thanks to a neighbours kid! ill look up diseases and fungases tomorow, going to have to have some shuteye now, i think il do a water change tomorow its early for one but it cant hurt,
thanks again, i hope you can find out what this is! when i get a better pic i will post it, then if anyone else has a similiar problem they will know what to do. i think i may lose this fish :(

sorry forgot to say no it doesnt look like that in the way that these are outside the fish in the pic and is more like a mass of fuzz. the marks on mine resembele scuff marks but are in no way on the outside, that is what is puzzling, i fear it to be bacterial or fungus that has infected its insides,
Sounds bacterial to me, can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,, and ph, if the stripes of white are fluffy it bacterial and the redness sounds bacterial as well.

Sounds bacterial to me, can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,, and ph, if the stripes of white are fluffy it bacterial and the redness sounds bacterial as well.
nitrate nitrite and amonia 0 i cant get a ph thers a test bottle missing, richard told me ph was fine on sunday and ive done a water change since then, our water is fine in taps, when its the waterboard treatment day we use a filter (ro) for the tap water but thats usualy once a month. waterboard lets us know when, it sems fine today i still cant get a clear picture, i may have to net him to keep it still,althogh i hope he doesnt get stressed as i know they easily are.
The white streak do they go along the back and come down the sides on the belly as though it looks like a saddle.
no i wouldnt say they look like a saddle? but there splashed along its sides mostly, i did leave a post reply with a link to my personal webspace, its got pictures of it in there as i cant upload the pic on here it says its too big, the link is as follows, and under fotos its headed poorly catfish,claire xxx hope this works now!
You say the white streaks look like they are beneath the skin so what you are saying the streaks look bleached out, where is the red on them, plus does it look like the scales are lifting.
hi guys thanks for looking at the pictures, any ideas yet? im seriously woried now! the red part i saw was a tiny redenned spot on the spine of the catfish, no i cant see tat the scales are lifted on this fish, ive got quite a big tank,4ft long so its easy to see head on when they school at the side. i really thought he had ich and had been flicking on something,thats the impresion these dashes give,like hes scuffed his skin on something. i mean, hs eating fine swimming ok not gasping or floating and staying with the others,im assuming these marks are under his skin as they are not in the slightest bit raised. well, i can only hope and kep my fingers crossed, i was hopoing to find out what it was as i dont as a rule put anykind of chemicals in the tank.i like to keep it as natural as possible.
cheers, the link you may have to copy and paste i do have more pics but they are not as clear as these two, xxx

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