Glass Catfish Spine Broken?

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Sorry for you losses, Tropical sunset :(

If it's any consolation, glass catfish are very hard to keep for most people; they're not easy, at all :(
I know my dad got them for me because when i saw them in this shop before my tank was cycled i was like "OMG THEY ARE SO COOL!" and i'd waited so long for my tank to get cycled, then whenever i went back to the shop they didn't have any, so my dad (whilst i was at school) went out and got me 5!!! I didn't realise till i was fishing out my pregnant guppy to put in the breeding tank, i hugged him and hugged him :wub: there is still 3 left and i'm keeping a good eye on them...ty though and thanx for the help :look:
Just thought I would share with you about my glass catfish.

I also firstly bought 5 of the glass cats, and about 2 weeks on when I thought they had settled I found 2 dead, but this was some time ago and the other 3 are doing great.
I would advise keeping an eye on your water changes to keep them constant. :)

Pretty little things though, aren't they?

that stinks. i have one. he didnt look so good when i got him, but now he looks great. sorry to hear that your story didn't go the same way :sad:
that stinks. i have one. he didnt look so good when i got him, but now he looks great. sorry to hear that your story didn't go the same way :sad:

LOL it ok..the other 3 are doing just fine now. Even the one which was a smoky white colour before has now gone back to normal, i am soooo glad i didn't screw around with any chemicles and kill them..PLUS MY GUPPY HAS JUST GAVE BIRTH! I have 10 ickle baby guppy fry in the breeding tank!

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