Glass Catfish Compatibility


Mar 20, 2011
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Would glass catfish be able to go with discus/angels/BGK?
I think they can with angels and discus as i have seen them before, but i'm worried about them being with the Black Ghost Knifefish...would it be okay?
Im sure people with the knowledge to answer your question will pop along at some point, be patient :)
Your right .....
Someone will eventually
According to a post from feb (in the other catfish section) they are fine with angels, also they are supposed to be peaceful so i reckon most fish will leave these alone. I am pretty sure if you made a post/this post moved to that thread then you should get a few more replies from those in the know. only thing that stopped me looking at getting these is that I have a full tank :(

Sorry I couldn't have been more help
Thats fine thanks

I just want to know for definate that my black ghost knifefish won't eat them .........
BUT they are quite small and may be eaten. you need at least 6 in a school if you want any.
Yes, i was definately going to do that, but my BGK is around 7-8 inches at the moment, and as glass catfish can grow to 10cm wouldn't that be enough not to be eaten?

I suppose it depends what size i buy them.....
if they can fit in the discus and angels mouths, potentially. they may still be nipped up too.
Blimey you are impatient :lol:

I have two glass cats in with my discus. I am aware they need to be in shoals but I;m trying to sell mine on

I have 24 cardinals with mine and they haven;t eaten any. I would also say I could not see a BGK eating them due to their shape and size. I say that having kept BGKs in the past for a long time

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