Thank you for your response. I've actually been feeding them blood worms that float. They haven't really dug down deep like they were before. Just wish I had the resources to do the job quicker. Swapping it out by myself is a HUGE task for this old lady!

All the more reason to move the fish out and settle them comfortably in the 10 and 5 gallon, so you can take your time and deal with the substrate switch at your own pace!
It is a big job, but it's so much easier when you're not worrying about spooking the fish, and you're not trying to rush the job while the fish are in a bucket, you know?
You want to move the cycled sponge filters to the temporary tanks, if they aren't cycled? You want to keep the bacteria on the main tanks filters alive, so running them on the temp tanks will do that, and keep the fish safe while you swap out the sand.
I'm sure that some of us newbies (myself included) probably get on y'alls nerves.

Nope! People only join in a thread if they want to, so definitely not annoying! Especially when it's someone who is willing to listen, appreciates the help, and is most worried about the welfare of their fish! Who wouldn't want to help in those circumstances? It's why we're here, to help each other out where we can, and seek help when we need advice or suggestions ourselves. So definitely don't be afraid to ask questions, it's a good thing!
I just want to say that I am very thankful that you and the others are here to provide guidance. Y'all have helped me ALOT with this new journey. I have learned soooooooooo much, thanks to this forum.
Glad I found y'all and appreciate all y'all to pieces!!

We're definitely lucky to have some really lovely and knowledgeable people here. I've learned so much since joining, definitely the best resource for my hobby, in my mind. Being able to pick the brains of people with incredible experience and knowledge like
@Byron , Seangee, GaryE, Emeraldking etc... there's a good group of helpful people here, it's great!
Good luck with the substrate switch, it'll be easier than you imagine I think, I've found it easier than I dread it being! It's good that you're doing the best thing for your fish, and I've also found sand much easier to maintain, I don't think you'll regret it!