Giving up with cories.


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Nov 15, 2004
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I officially give up with cories. I have had 10 cories. I now have 1. My senegal bichir is fine in the tank with teh cory. He isnt eating or attacking the cories. I had 6 cories die in my 55 gallon for no reason. So whats the deal with cories. Are they all so fragile or is it just me. I have had 2 pandas die, 4 greens, 3 albinos and i have 1 albino pygmy left.
They need good water quality and vacing the gravel twice a week as they are prone to getting bacteria infections.
maybe at night the senegal bichir is attacking and eating. They are agressive fsih right?
Jen21 said:
hmmm, I dont know, my cories seem to be fairly hardy in good water conditions....
mine too they even went through cycling when i dodnt know any better!
Do you have sand or gravel substrate and what are your recent ammonia, nitrate and nitrite stats? Corys never die for no reason, except posibly pandas which seem to be prone to dying alot- but albino's shouldn't at all, they are some of the hardiest corys out there in my experience.
Did the corys that died show any strange behavior or symtoms? do they have all their barbs/whiskers intact and not inflamed at all?
I've always taken that Senegal bichirs were very terotorial fish- most fish are more active at night and so if there's any bullying taking place, the best time to catch the bully is 30mins after the tank lights have been off.
Gravel. I have to get my tests back from my cousin. I just cleaned the tank at the beginning of the week. The cories all had their barbels intact and fine. No scratches,cuts,nips etc. I will check on the fish a little bit after lights out tonight. I dont really think its the bichir because the cories that died were around the same size. I''l check anyways.
If you can, change the gravel to fine sand as corys can't filter through and feed off it properly and its posible they starved to death- also gravel has a tendency off trapping decaying food and waste in it and as corys are closest to this it can make them sick.
Posting your most recent water stats would be helpful too :thumbs:
i have 2 albino's in my tank and they are doing fine! i have sand on the bottom and they are in with quite a mix from angels to frogs!
I just found out that my mom has been feeding my cory tank golffish flakes instead of shrimp pellets. Would this have anything to do with the fact that the cories are dying?
No, I don't think that the goldfish flakes have anything to do with it. I had koi and goldfish in with my cories once and they ate the food just fine. What are your water stats? Just how big is your bichir? What type of cories do you have, as some are hardy while others extremely sensitive. Don't give up! That's what we're here for, to help you :)!

It is possible that they are not getting enough food during feeding time. I know this can be a problem for me because my corys are in with lots and lots of barbs. The barbs will eat whatever is in the tank, not matter what time of day or night it is put in... they find it and eat it.

So maybe starvation is the problem?
Hi Fishy411 :)

The most common disease to effect corys is bacterial infections and they can be more prone to this than many other fish since they live on the bottom where the dirt collects. The problem of dirt and uneaten food is worse if you have coarse gravel or little stones than if it is sand or fine gravel.

Bacterial infections can kill fish quickly or slowly. They come from bacteria that is usually in the tank, but that do not attack fish unless they have been weakened from something that stresses them. For example, temperature fluctuations, infrequent or inadequate water changes, high nitrite levels, low oxygen content in the water, aggressive tankmates, overstocking or uneaten food spoiling in the tank.

If your bircher isn't attacking them, he could still be stressing them to the point that their immune system is compromised and they become ill and die.

If you normally keep a clean tank with fresh water, give some thought to the other reasons I've suggested. Corys are great little fish and (except for the pandas) this should not be happening to them.

Perhaps once you get your bichir re-homed in a bigger tank you will consider giving them another chance.
ok. the bichir is around 4 inches. The green cories ( 2 in this tank) were around 3-3.5 inches. The pygmy that i have left is around 1". I would put him in my big tank but my festivum doesnt tolerate new fish. I havent seen the bichir bother the cories but i will keep checking. I'll also get my tests back today because it could be high nitrites. I'll do another water change today

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