Hi Fishy411
The most common disease to effect corys is bacterial infections and they can be more prone to this than many other fish since they live on the bottom where the dirt collects. The problem of dirt and uneaten food is worse if you have coarse gravel or little stones than if it is sand or fine gravel.
Bacterial infections can kill fish quickly or slowly. They come from bacteria that is usually in the tank, but that do not attack fish unless they have been weakened from something that stresses them. For example, temperature fluctuations, infrequent or inadequate water changes, high nitrite levels, low oxygen content in the water, aggressive tankmates, overstocking or uneaten food spoiling in the tank.
If your bircher isn't attacking them, he could still be stressing them to the point that their immune system is compromised and they become ill and die.
If you normally keep a clean tank with fresh water, give some thought to the other reasons I've suggested. Corys are great little fish and (except for the pandas) this should not be happening to them.
Perhaps once you get your bichir re-homed in a bigger tank you will consider giving them another chance.