Gill Fluke? Sterazin? Parasites? Help Please ! !

Sorry that you are still having problems.
The only problem is that once bacterial infections progress the uk medications won't work. As there
only really effective on  mild bacteria infections.
You could try anti internal bacteria medication at double dose. 
You really need antibiotics which are only available by a vet in the UK.
Hi Star,
I have ordered the food that you recommended, thank you.
Hi Wilder,
I am puzzeled by this as the two problems seem totally different, have sprung from nothing and neither have spread to any other this something you have come across before?
Thank you both for your help
Going to read through all your thread again, so bear with me.
The coughing worrying as that can be a sign of gill flukes.
Still no signs of flicking and rubbing, darting.
What do the gills look like.?
Did you use a medication?

Yes I have seen bacterial disease where it rots the skin away, skin falls off. and even holes that go deep.
Once it gets to this state it hard to control and sometimes even antibiotics are to late.

This is an example.

You are right about the sterazin it isn't a very medication for flukes.

Yes I have seen bacterial infections affect some fish but not others. Usually it gets the weak and stressed first.

Blew the pictures up and columnaris can look like painted white patches.
Also it rots the skin away in severe cases. Can affect the gills also and cause heavy breathing.
Ditto wilder, with the black one antibacterial medication and lots of clean water, your little guy is only at the beginning stage, if you can get hold of fish antibiotics then please do so. While the wound is white the bacteria is not eating away at the flesh, once this starts there is no hope, salt baths did very little in my case :( (trust me been there)
This poor little fella was handed to me a couple of years ago, even with antibiotics as soon as the skin started to heal the bacteria kicked up a gear and after a few weeks the antibiotics just did not work any longer. I had no choice but to put him down in the end, which was really difficult as he was eating fine and seemed a very happy fish.
Poor thing. So sad. But I can see why you put the fish out of it.s misery.
The hobby can be so heart breaking. That's why I no longer keep fish.
It was truly horrific :( such a sad time, the tank he came from was beyond bad, thankfully the other fish I rescued from the same tank all survived, the two rummy nose and glowlights are still with me. It is one of the reasons I have stopped rescuing and re-homing, the work that can go into getting a fish well and then they could end up in the same position again, it is very heartbreaking.
Not saying that the OP's tank is bad or anything, just to clarify that :) Sorry gone off topic.
At least you try to make them better and give them a good home. So you should feel good about yourself for trying. Wish there was more people around like you.
Even if it does not always work out the way you want it too.
Hi again,
Wilder...The coughing only really happens with the gold one when hes swallowing food, no rubbing or flicking.
The black one does flick but not very often, but thats all.
Worrying thing is I have just spotted the black marble angel with stringy poo, please see picture.
Star4... Thank you, real shame about your rescue fish but it does seem like the same thing, just not as advanced.


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I have read about Methylene Blue and also Potassium permanganate to be used for baths. Have you had any experience as other that US etc I cant find fish antibiotics anywhere.
Thanks, Again
How long ago did you treat with Sterazin again? It might be worth swapping over to Esha Gdex and Esha 2000 combo, (you can use both products at the same time). ***Just double check though that you can use both with clown loach present.***
If you use the contact section they are normally pretty quick and any questions about using both medications together you might have. I think using the combo of these two is going to be your best option rather than a medication for the stringy poo, another for the black one's bacterial and a third medication for the gold angel.
Methylene Blue and also Potassium permanganate .
Becareful with the Potassium Permanganate it can be lethal.
It will only treat the outside infection. Than add double dose of anti internal bacteria med.
Also you might want to think about worming your fish once we get the bacteria infection under control.
I managed to get the Esha 2000 at my LFS and have started treatment, I hvae ordered the other.

I will keep you informed, thank you both again for your help.

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