

Fish Crazy
Jun 1, 2004
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Ok. I don't know what my pleco is. Its about 31/2" and growing. I was told to look at Planet catfish & I think my pleco is a gibbicep.

What i want to know is assuming my pleco is still classed as a "juvinile" (which are the only photos that match my pleco), then it would be a gibbiceps.

Do the spots/patches on plecos skin grow with them or do they end up looking small when they've grown full size.
Basically the adult photos don't look my my pleco cause the spots look small. But as I said, the juvinile photos do.

I don't know if this makes sense, but if anyone knows what I am talking about, I would be grateful of an answer!
i have a gibbi. mine is only a juvi still but i have had him for about 6 months.

in the time that he has grown his spots and patches have grown in size to suit his body size.

i dont know much about the adults though. i do know that every fish is an individual and depending on his genetics, the size and colour (of his spots) will vary accordingly.

hope this helps ;)

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