Giant plakat cross halfmoon babies


Moved On
Dec 22, 2004
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Here is the father. :wub: He is BIG! LOL :lol:


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These are his babies. The mother is a red halfmoon and another one is red gold halfmoon.:) Basically the red babies is from the red halfmoon and the yellow babies are from the red gold halfmoon.:) Texaswoman, how is your batch coming? :)


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All of them eating golden pearls and brine shrimp now. :) Look at the top dorsal fin. They are very different.:)


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I did jar two of the males. Need to jar up some of the males too.:) So far they are ok.:) :lol:


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OohFeeshy said:
Ahh, they're cuties :) My fave is in the first fry pic, the cellophane (it looks like) right in the middle.
Oh yeah. I have plenty of that. All the second batch from the giant plakat babies looks like that. The mother is red gold halfmoon. All her babies just cellophane. Interesting right? :) both supposed to have shinning scales. Maybe later the shinning scales will shine but now can't tell.:)
mrplaty said:
at my lfs they have king fighters, i think these are just giant plakats arnt they???
You cannot just think. King fighter doesn't mean giant plakat anyway. You need to look at the size of the betta and the wide of the body. :lol: You should have asked your LFS are they giant betta or not. They should be 3.5" to 4" long normally. So far, I haven't seen a 7" long yet. LOL
Very cute bettas Yeev... I don't know how you can stand being around so many cute fish all day!
yeeviabetta said:
These are his babies. The mother is a red halfmoon and another one is <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='red gold'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">red gold</a> halfmoon.:) Basically the red babies is from the red halfmoon and the yellow babies are from the red gold halfmoon.:) Texaswoman, how is your batch coming? :)
How old are babies here?
After finding their birth in the other post, they are around 2 month 1/2" old. Slow raising them up.:) :lol:

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