Giant Otto's


Fish Addict
Jan 12, 2011
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Anyone have any experience with giant Otto's? saw some to today at MA's and they looked quite nice.
This was not my local MA's so didn't buy anything today, thought I'd leave it a bit and see if they still have them in couple of weeks.
Was also impressed with the choice of fish suitable for Nano's as I've just set one up, It was the Westbrigeford one if any one's interested or had experience with this branch?? :unsure:
There are a few genus that fall under "Giant Otos", including Hypoptopoma and Oxyropsis. The big advantage over Otos is that most reach at least 5cm and some even 10cm, giving you a lot more flexibility for tankmates, which need to be peaceful (behaviour and eating manners). Also, many "Giants" are more mainstream tropical fish happy at well oxygenated ~25C water, whereas Otos are more sub-tropical. If you can get a group of at least six, ideally more (as they do not come around very often), then go for it. I made the fatal mistake of buying the last few at my LFS and the two males rarely gave each other much peace, but I think this would be much less of an issue in a good sized group. My two males were ~7cm, the female ~5cm.

If you search the PlanetCatfish forum, I'm pretty sure that someone posted an exhaustive list of ~8 different genus.

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