
I don't want to offend anyone, it's just my believes... but I really don't believe in any of that Ghost nosense - We can explore the deepest ocean and walk on the moon... but we can't prove if ghosts exsist?!

you wouldn't say that if one sneaked up and said boo would you. lol
I Just received this email must read first

>The guy in the photo went to the Sundarbans with his friends and he
>asked one of his friends to take his picture in that very place.
>While his friend was taking the picture, he screamed and fainted. Two

>days later he died in the medical college. Doctors said he died

>of heart attack.
>When the photos were exposed, in the last photo there is a lady
>standing right beside him standing alone. Many people said it is a
>rumor and the picture is the result of the blessings of latest
>However, the photo itself is very scary and I'm sure you'll also feel

>the same way I've felt. Here you go with the photo!!

Anyway as you can see its fake but it was pretty cool so I had to share it with you guys


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Hey..once I did the Jack The Ripper walking tour in London and we finished up in a bar of the same name. Was pretty cool for a tourist. Dark in the alleys but no ghosts. SH
Here is a picture of my brother and I in a pub at christmas......when the photo was developed you can see a ghost behind us.......if this picture is fake then its been very cleverly done and has paranormal experts stumped....."Ooooooooh!"


Cor that's scary Big Mick, and I bet you didn't notice anything until the photo was developed. And some people say that they don't exist, science won't know whats hit it - they can't refute evidence like that - it's all out in the open now - look out for the journalists, they will make your life hell.
Its freaky isnt it......I must a sixth sense or something because every time I end up in a pub with my brother have have experience with spirits.
Lol at Big Mick, looks real to me! :D

Me and my friends has a phase of going to old abadonded places in the local area, group of about 6 of us would go round these places in the middle of nowhere. A old mansion and a tb hospital were the worst. Didnt see any ghosts but oh boy were they scary and it felt eery. :look:
Lol at Big Mick, looks real to me! :D

Me and my friends has a phase of going to old abadonded places in the local area, group of about 6 of us would go round these places in the middle of nowhere. A old mansion and a tb hospital were the worst. Didnt see any ghosts but oh boy were they scary and it felt eery. :look:

Jude and have talked about doing the exact same thing, we both find the topic very interesting and having experienced things ourselves we would like to explore a bit further.

We should organise a ghost hunt!
i think the ghost is trying to tell ye somthing about that turtles t-shirt :D lol. wish i had a kool retro t-shirt like that. all i gots is this space invaders one :(

would of been such a coinkidink if you/your brother was wearing a ghost busters shrt :p

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