Ghost Shrimps

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wow kevin,
what a disgusting thing to do! :sick:
feeding ghosts/feeder fish/crickets/feeder mice (etc.) as food is one thing
it is called the food chain and it is completely natural
all creatures need to eat to stay alive.
but flushing them down the toilet?
thats not the food chain, thats the ignorance chain...
i honestly think that either your lfs where mistaken and you had another type of shrimp or the neons were either dead or dying when the shrimp ate them
they are cleaners, not hunters
and even if by some god awful freak accident you had a super powered ninja ghost shrimp :lol: why would you sentence them to death?
it makes no sense!
you could have kept them in a bowl, they are lovely creatures!
or you could have given them to a friend or your lfs!
if you want nothing in return then alot of stores would have gladely taken them
would you smash your cats head on a rock for killing a bird?
i know that that is a little extreme but don't tell me that they are "murderers"
its called instinct
the cat is not a murderer and neither are your shrimp
and don't you dare TELL newbies that they are bad and will kill their fish.
if they do their research for themselves they will find that they are completely harmless
you'll just be denying someone the joy of such a lovely little shrimp
sorry to sound so angry but this is the wrong place to admit such a ruthless act
it may not be a big deal to you but i think that ALOT of members will be/ are outraged!
would you really go to a dog lovers site and admit to beating your dog for digging a hole or barking (something that is instinct to them) :dunno:
55gallondude said:
kevin007 said:
Sorrell said:
I think it's sad that someone with the title "Leader of the Fishies" would post that they did something so irresponsible and cruel. Remember before you post something that newbies look to this forum for knowledge, and number of post is often times interpreted as experience and intelect.
...i have made this message as a warning to newbies who seeks for advivce to not buy ghost shrimps...and for those who said my neons were dead? who told u that? it was still alive with it's tail chewed off........i know when a fish is sick or not..and why dont u look at this link before u talk !@#$ about my knowledge about fish/invertabrates.......

Link to newbs

EDIT: If i don't like the shrimps why would i buy the shirmps in the first place????'
and u know, if u have seen that scene, u would have thrown up :rolleyes: And my neon got killed *snaps* just like that..if i had only noticed it earlier...*sigh* My neons are innocent too they got killed for noting.......would u want a murderer in your house? would u want osama in ur house? wont u want to kill him? when he killed ur family members?
i did...i only typed ! @ # $ and i think u know wut i mean and i think they are not ghost shrimps too..but..check out the LINK..plz i'm not the only one

It doesn't matter. Even if you are right and the ghost shrimp hunted and killed the neons, that doesn't justify flushing them down the toilet.

You have to understand that no fish or invertebrate, under any circumstances, can be a "murderer". Murder is a human concept and one the creatures in your tank don't comprehend. The only crime your ghost shrimp were guilty of is hunger. They can't stop that instinct any more than you can stop breathing. They're animals. It's what they do.

Punishing creatures for not meeting your human expectations of morality was a very immature thing to do. I hope you understand that and learn from this experience.


modernhamlet said:

It doesn't matter. Even if you are right and the ghost shrimp hunted and killed the neons, that doesn't justify flushing them down the toilet.

You have to understand that no fish or invertebrate, under any circumstances, can be a "murderer". Murder is a human concept and one the creatures in your tank don't comprehend. The only crime your ghost shrimp were guilty of is hunger. They can't stop that instinct any more than you can stop breathing. They're animals. It's what they do.

Punishing creatures for not meeting your human expectations of morality was a very immature thing to do. I hope you understand that and learn from this experience.


thats exactly what i said :lol:
Is this what "killed your fish"...
I think a few of you are TOTALLY freaking out over this, I mean really, let's get a grip here people.

Kids catch crustaceans on beaches all of the time!!!! Little dudes like that are always getting squashed and killed. They remind me of a large, swimming insect!!

Kevin, I don't think you're trolling :no: I think the people who posted that are trolling :lol: :lol:

Not one of you can say you haven't killed something before. People keep spiders and scorpions as pets and people kill them all the time, no one freaks out about that!!! ??? I just think it's silly to get all worked up over him flushing a few eensie-weensi bug like things down the toilet!!!

Kevin, I personally wouldn't have done that because I'm too sensitive to death of fish or animals :lol: I would have gotten a small tank or given them away, BUT I don't think you deserve all that has been said.

And 55, other people are doing the ****er stuff, not JUST KEVIN!!!!!! :grr: :unsure:

Come on people,
Chill out over the ghost shrimp things........ I mean, they're already dead anyways......right!!!! :lol: :*) ..................anyone..............anyone....

anyone get that...??..................anyone............... :fun:

well i personally have not said that kevin is trolling
this is not the case
i don't sepatate crustaceans from any other fish/animals (etc)
if i step on a bug when i am walking that is fate but i personally don't kill spiders and bugs for the hell of it
not that i see anything wrong with swatting a mosquito (those things carry disease) :crazy:
but i do not agree with killing ghosts for such a silly reason
i''m not saying that kevin is a bad person,
only that he obviously chose the wrong place to say such a thing!
my fish and shrimp are my babies
and IMO his sentencing them to death is disgusting
i agree that saying he is trolling is a bit much,
but i do not think that people are "TOTALLY freaking out" or overdueing it
it is childish to get fed up or "angry" with such a simple creature and just "dispose" of it in such an unnessisary manner
and just because children crush them on beaches or whatever does not make it acceptable
just the other day there were kids kicking around a newborn puppy like a football, booting it across a field
that doesn't mean that it is right (once again its a bit extreme but i'm trying to get my point across
i just hope that you (kevin) maybe se the light and will not do it again
silver said:
I think a few of you are TOTALLY freaking out over this, I mean really, let's get a grip here people.

Kids catch crustaceans on beaches all of the time!!!! Little dudes like that are always getting squashed and killed. They remind me of a large, swimming insect!!

Kevin, I don't think you're trolling :no: I think the people who posted that are trolling :lol: :lol:

Not one of you can say you haven't killed something before. People keep spiders and scorpions as pets and people kill them all the time, no one freaks out about that!!! ??? I just think it's silly to get all worked up over him flushing a few eensie-weensi bug like things down the toilet!!!

Kevin, I personally wouldn't have done that because I'm too sensitive to death of fish or animals :lol: I would have gotten a small tank or given them away, BUT I don't think you deserve all that has been said.

And 55, other people are doing the ****er stuff, not JUST KEVIN!!!!!! :grr: :unsure:

Come on people,
Chill out over the ghost shrimp things........ I mean, they're already dead anyways......right!!!! :lol: :*) ..................anyone..............anyone....

anyone get that...??..................anyone............... :fun:

so is it ok to dye them? :dunno:
wow, i come back to this forum to see how you guys are doing and i see this :eek: weird that a your ghost shrimp can do that. they are like a super ghost shrimp that can catch fast fish or something, my ghost shrimp got sucked into my filter -_- where did you get those ghost shrimp? i found a new hobby so im not going to be here as much :-( i didnt take this picture, but im sure you see what my new hobby is. maybe the picture will cheer you guys up :lol: oh yeah, my new hobby is not to be a girl in case you are wondering :rofl:
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