ghost shrimp


Fish Crazy
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
okay. so i bought my betta a companion (or dinner) today, a ghost shrimp. now i'm assuming this is normal, but everytime he sees it, he either puffs up or chases it around the tank. i'm guessing it's just because someone else is now sharing his tank (1 gallon). just wanted to know if this was normal, or if i should take out Hoover (hehe, the ghost shrimp's name, get it? :D ).
Actually, I've heard both sides of the story. However, my betta leaves most of the fish alone.

And the betta is territorial. If the shrimp doesn't get killed then your betta will gte used to it and leave it alone. You might want to add a decoration to hide the shrimp. :dunno:
Yeah, I have almost a 2 gallon tank, with 2 little Roman-esque decorations and my little shrimp is still alive.
yeah, i'm going to put his new plants in, before i try again with a ghost shrimp. Hoover now officially = Dinner.
i almost got some ghost shrimp for my betta until i read this and other posts like it. coming from my lfs, those can be some expensive feeders!

in a 1G your betta will be fine alone, but I'd say let him get settled in a while before trying more ghost shrimp.
Do the ghost shrimp have a knack of hiding REALLY well? Cause my brother and I were looking all over my aquarium and couldn't see him so we figured Fu'quan had dinner, but I come back from watchin the hockey game, and he was back, chillin in the corner.
my ghosties all got eaten when i put them in with bettas also :S
yeah the ghosts are very good at hiding however they also seem to make good meals.
I had this one ghost shrimp left with my picky eating betta, and he would swim with his little feet to the top and steal my bettas pellet of food when i would drop one in. My betta didn't like that, and had himself quite a feast. :lol:
I heard that if they don't eat the ghost shrimp, that the shrimp will just chill on the bottom and eat waste and some nasty stuff off the bottom. Any truth to that, or is the ghost shrimps a tasty treat for bettas?

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