Ghost Shrimp


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2007
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I dont no if you guys remmeber me but along time ago i put a post about having amano shrimp with dojo loaches. Well i wanted ghost shrimp but my lfs never got them. Today when i went i noticed one in a tank (i just stared blankly at a tank). I asked my friend who works there. He said they used to have eels in there months ago and these shrimp were the meals. So we went through the gravel and managed to get 4 ghost shrimp. 3 are one inch males and one is a 2 inch females with eggs on her! 2 questions. Will my dojos eat any of them? my dojos are 5 inches and the one inch males look like they might be in trouble. My tank is 48 gallons. And since the female has eggs, how do i get them to come off the female and hatch? I would like to raise the babies.
They probably are in danger, dude. I can't remember, did you say you have plenty of cover in your tank...? If so, they might be ok. Ghosts are bigger than amanos, but not nearly as fast (kind of a trade off). I'm not sure, but I still think your loaches will try and devour them, given half a chance.

As far as those eggs go, if they're fertile (probably are with 3 males around), she'll hold them for a week or two, then they'll hatch. The baby shrimp will spend a few days in a larval stage (plankton, basically) before growing into miniature shrimp. They'll need cover, just like the adults, because anything (including the adult shrimp) will try and eat them given the chance. A bigger risk is of them being sucked up by the filter. Covering the intake with some sponge isn't a bad idea.

Good luck! :)
I dont have that much cover. Well i left them overnight in the tank with the dojos. I found all of them alive. They are all in and behind my bushy plant safe and sound. Even so my dojos cant kill the female, it half there size. well i dont think the babies will survive because the dojos or anything in my tank will eat them, i would like to try breeder box but i dont think that possible, do you?
Raising ghost shrimp babies is not an easy thing to do. They are not born as mini shrimp, they are born in a larvae stage, which basically means everything and everyone can eat them.

You need lots of java moss, or lots of bushy plants for them to hide amongst.
I dont think my dojos eat shrimp. They never try even when a shrimp is right next to them! Sometimes they just touche one of the shrimps attenae accidentally and then the shrimp jumps and the dojos freeze in fear! The female's attenae are about 2 inches long from her 2 inch body lol.
Today i went to check on my shrimp. I than saw a large thick poop (never new which fish does it every month) and attached to the poop was a blobish thing. It had a transparentish body like the shrimp and had a brown thing it in it that looks like a shrimp brain maybe. There is also little shrimp poos in it. I counted my shrimp and i have a male missing. Could this be the male? Did the dojos do this? Also when my large female went over it she staretd to eat the poop part.
Maybe the shrimp molted and you are seeing the old shell? When they molt, they will go into hiding until their new shell hardens up.

If one of your fish ate the shrimp, you would not see anything that looks like a shrimp in their poop. Their digestive acids would disolve the entire shrimp and shell... just like they do with bones when a larger fish eats a smaller fish.
It wasnt attached to poop, it was like right next to it. I dont think it moulted... it a blob shape with shrimp poos in it.
its gone now... It looks like the poo when you eat shrimp, the poop trail.
Today i counted my shrimp...and i counted 4!!!! The 4th was probably hiding. Well apparently my dojo loaches dont eat shrimp. They are very friendly!!! They didnt even eat my snail when it was just born!

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