Ghost Shrimp Questions


New Member
Apr 22, 2007
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S Florida
I was getting some furry grey-green algae on my plants, none on the glass, and bought some ghost shrimp yesterday. They scattered under the mopani log for most of the day but when I got up this morning it looked like a lot of the algae was gone and the shrimp tummies looked the color of the algae. They are still under the log, venturing out periodically, but staying on the gravel. So, do they eat at night and are they pretty good algae eaters? I have read pros and cons on the net.
Ghost shrimp are omnivores. They'll eat algae, but it's a good idea to supplement their diet with sinking foods. Crab or catfish pellets are ideal. :)
And yes, they tend to be nocturnal. Most shrimp seem to hide during the day and don't really become active till the evening. Mine certainly do, in any case.
Thanks. They've been scampering around a little today, even climbing up on the plants and eating algae. They're also snagging bloodworms and pieces of flakes and the sinking shrimp pellets I drop in for the corys. They sure are fun to watch!
They sure are! :D That's why I love keeping them.

Forgot to mention -- seeing as they're new, they'll be a bit shy for a week or so. You should see more and more of them as they become more comfortable with their new home.

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