Ghost Or No Ghost?

Personally, I think there are such things as ghosts. But this would not be a ghost. Look at the first picture the person originally posted here. The kid's head is way too big for his own body. Maybe it was an orb, just hovering over something. Though, if you took the picture when there was nothing there, it probably was ghost, though it wouldn't be a poltrigiest, not a "true ghost", but an orb. Don't know what a ghost orb is? Google it.
definately a weird one, it looks very convincing. I think he is winking. :shifty:
oooo i love ghost stories!
that building looks amazing.

my mum lived in a haunted house. they named the ghost winnie. when they first moved in weird things would happen, she had been poked in the back by a bony finger when she was alone on the landing, things had fallen off the walls, doors would bang open as would windows. it calmed down after they'd lived there a while though. she moved out of there 2 years ago. it was a 250 year old house.

there was a house in the same village though, a little older, that had a bad thing in it. it was always for sale. noone would ever say why they were moving. but it would sell almost every year. it would break up marriages and all sorts. there was a very bad vibe about it.
oooh i love the little boy! :D there was this new house near me that blew up because some dude lost all his money to gambling and was in heavy debt and i could smell the smoke and hear the explosion in the morning and i swear i heard things i there when i walked past it and hobos actually hung out there o_o
very interesting story (but really scary and horrible) but i cant really see anything on tht picture, all i can see is what looks like 2 eyes at the top window (could someone of done something to the picture on photoshop or something??) And whats a ghost orb?? (i dont really wanna goole it might come back with all scary stuff) lol not that i'm a scardy cat or

ow no i know what a ghost orb is now just looked it up, Is it kinda like on sixth cence (or sumert like tht, the movie) were on that boys pictures there was always a kinda reflection on his picture?? couldnt they be reflections?
i wouldnt say he had a big head...
Really? Look at the first picture again. Doesn't it seem the head is a little to wide for the body?

A small person in a bow tie with a wide head.....maybe its not a ghost after all, maybe its Paul Daniels!

"Thats magic!" :lol:

Oh and paige, an orb is a small light that is meant to appear and move around as a ghost manifests......unless you watch 'Most Haunted' on living TV in which case almost anything is an orb.....dust, anything!
i couldnt see what you were talking about but now i see :)
we should go ghost hunting lol, we could get paid for acting like we got hit buy a ghost and they would believe us lol, we could make millions just by lieing :lol:
i couldnt see what you were talking about but now i see
we should go ghost hunting lol, we could get paid for acting like we got hit buy a ghost and they would believe us lol, we could make millions just by lieing

i think somebody already did that :lol:
i couldnt see what you were talking about but now i see
we should go ghost hunting lol, we could get paid for acting like we got hit buy a ghost and they would believe us lol, we could make millions just by lieing

i think somebody already did that :lol:

Yeah, I'll pretend to be psychic by simply researching the supposedly haunted place prior to going and then arriving pretending I know nothing then just pretend that my "sprit guide called Sam" is giving me all this information from beyond the grave....they get away with it on that Most Haunted show. All we need is a night vision camera and some airbourne dust particles or "orbs" as they claim they are......Ooooooh dust......scarey!

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