Great pic midwife.
I LOVE my Black Ghost, but I know I will have to get him a bigger tank when he grows. At the moment he's about the size of my male swordtail. He loves bloodworms the best, but will eat any frozen food. You would never catch him swimming around the tank eating flakes. Mine likes to hide in the tank castle during the day. In the evening, I can hand feed him frozen food, by holding it up to the window of his castle. He has the sweetest face. At night I turn the lights low, and watch him come out to play. These fish are naturally nocturnal, and can't really see in the light. They have a weak electrical impulse that helps them find food. He is a very shy fish and not one to attack or chase another fish. Apparently when they are bigger, they will eat Tetras if they are not well fed on frozen food. The most amazing thing to watch is this fish's graceful way of swimming. He moves backwards, forwards and even upside down. He just seems to glide through the water. I don't get to see my Ghost as much as I'd like, but when I see him it's well worth the wait.