Ghost Has A New Home


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
my latest betta has a new home...he didnt mind it in the filter jug it was better than the breeding tap he was in at the lfs, but he seems to like his new habitat. When he has settled I will see if he will let me take a piccie. He isnt eating much..but his body is so transparent you can see the poo coming out...yuck..
WEll, my neighbor houses hers in a glass coffeepot so why not? Better enjoying life at your house than in a little bitty thing at the LFS. I feel confident he'll be perking up alot now that he has something to look forward to--and that's being spoiled at your place! Get some pics going for us soooonnnn!!
This same lady thinks I'm nuts for using water conditioners etc. She says here watch....She puts her hand in the water and the betta swims right into it. She says she alternates between the coffee pot and some other glass thing..... but she moves it every day to keep the water clean. I think it's a female VT. No decorations there. Just plain old plain old. :rolleyes: I had to wait to let my jaw drop until I got home. :blink:


sorry pics not clear but he has a lovely lilac sheen on the end of his fins. he is also having a poo..and wont flare at his neighbour only his own reflection! :drool: :drool: I could eat him he is so beautiful...but I am veggie so no problems!
He's a really nice VT! He's litterally the VT version of my long lost Starburst, cept he was a PK! :eek:
I like him. I want to see the poo.

Then I want a sneaky pic of the coffee pot lady w/coffee pot.

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