Getting Worse


Jun 20, 2004
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Ontario Canada
well i just looked at him and his tail seems to be getting worse... the mela and salt arent working... no dark edges... jumpier than normal (no not like jumping but swims up then zooms away) hes swimming into the sides of his tank and everything... anyone know whats going on? :unsure:
my boy has some very minor fin rot, iv been treating it wit salt and melafix, and then lowering the water temp to 70 degrees at night, its working great, im very sry your fish isn't getting better. there was some other stuf i saw one time that was specifically for fin rot, it was by doc wellfish brand i belive. if u go to their site im sure u can order it, how long has he been sick? about the jumpyness, fish userally get that way when they are very sick. its some kind of natural mecanism that does that but im unclear of the accual point -_-
I believe the fish darting, bouncing off of tank, rubbing chin or cheeks againt parasites. Quickcure would do well. but there are several others you can try.
hes not rubbing just hitting himself off the tank... hes not doing it any more and what would do well for a parasite because fishy is darting and nothing seems wrong with him
Just a thought here. Do you think the salt consentration is too high? I've been doing salt dips for my boys for finrot that won't go away. They dart around and bump off the sides of the container during the dip. I think it may be that they are trying to "swim away from the salt"?
Other than that, I haven't a clue.

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