Getting Worried About My Tiger Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2011
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I did have 5 Tiger Barbs, but recently they have been hiding at the back of the tank or behind the filter intake. I've got very worried about them since I lost one last week. the tiger barbs don't come up for the flake food and prefer to wait until I feed my corydoras and then eat the algae wafers.

Does anyone know what's happened to them?

That is very unusual behaviour for tiger barbs. You are right to be worried. I would test your water and make sure you are doing enough water changes.

How long has the tank been set up? Have you recently introduced new fish?
I do 10% water changes every week and I will test the water tomorrow the tank has been set up since last November and I last introduced some corydoras the start of this year.

Also, I have noticed than one of the tiger barbs has become very pale.
If it is stress could this be because there is only 4 Tiger Barbs.
Given you've had them for a while now I doubt it is because of there being only 4 of them, i'm assuming they have never been in the company of too many to begin with.

Have you tested your water parameters? Made any changes to your filter or it's media? How do you clean/do maintenance work on your tank? Have you recently added any decorations or something other than that in your tank?

Beyond that, is there any other fish that might be bullying your tigers? Introducing the cories shouldn't be a problem either since they have been in there for some time now, generally i do a quarantine period of 6 weeks for freshwater fish.

Think on those lines and you might get an answer hiding in there somewhere.
I clean my tank every week with a 10% water change.
Would it help if i posted a picture of the pale tiger barb?

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