Getting Started

USUALLY, a small-scale shop like that won't use tempered glass. Tempering is not an easy process in practice and not very cost-effective for small operations. Think big factories/assembly lines ;)
ok so everythings working well and the water level test went great, just enough so that there was no overflow out of the sump and no leaks yey :). so now i need to add salt. ive been told 1kg of salt to 30L of water, is this right?

and also can anyone estimate how much for a standard 4ft tank? ive lost the lil piece of paper which had the exact tank measurements on it!
Wait, you added the rock but you don't have saltwater yet?
I'm confused.
Humpy, I really dont think you've thought this through. You need to take a backward step and stick your nose in some literature if you live in Australia then nip into your local Dillons bookstore and buy yourself a good book, even the cheapest saltwater marine book will give you the basics. Buying live rock and installing it in freshwater is the old cart before the horse senario. I cant for the life of me understand, (giving the amount of information on this forum alone), why you could make such a fundamental mistake. Need to slow down and take stock, rushing things will lead to disasterious consequences further down the line.
Yeah your taking this WAY too fast, your just going to end up with a lot of headaches later on and money spilt out of your wallet faster than you can say oops. Trust me, take things slow in this hobby.

Basically your killing your live rock now and you dont even seem to know how much salt to put in.... You put in as much until your specific gravity reaches somewhere about 1.025.
well the way i see it is the live rock is just dead coral for bacterial growth on so it just may take longer to cycle yes? It's living rock...'living' in the sense that it hosts millions of bacteria that treat fish waste, plus lots of little critters living on the rocks surface and in nooks and crannies. By dunking your live rock in fresh water, you've done a great job of killing off a lot, if not all of that beneficial bacteria.

you really ought to research this hobby more carefully before takingthe plunge.... :rolleyes:
I think we're being taken for a ride here.
ok well i obviously fked up on one this here. its been rectified and now runnin with optimum salt etc. and cycling now. all i wanted to originally know is will everything grow back if it did die off? just taking longer to cycle?(growback),! or is it potentially stuffed?

still a bit of green cover so im guessing its still ok.

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