Getting Rid of Reef Supplies

Jan Cavalieri

Fish Addict
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Jun 2, 2019
Reaction score
Topeka, KS
Last April sometime I bought a Biocube - 32 gallon to be used as a reef tank. Not sure it was any cheaper to do it with a Biocube but the guidance is there. I'm 61 with "end-stage" COPD. My doctors give me about 5-7 yrs left to live - and everytime I get sick it accelerates that process, My husband died suddenly of a brain hemmorage about 4 yrs ago so I downsized from about 3000 sq ft to 900 sq ff. Good thing basement is decent for storage - I thought I sold nearly everything but am still out of room. One of the three bedrooms is my "fish room" with a 90 and 50 gallon freshwater tank (I hire somebody to do water changes weekly) and my 32 gallon reef tank, complete
with protein skimmer, filtration and a heater and input and output water hoses. (sorry I had a screen glitch and it won't let me edit the first post) - I have measuring devices, RO/DI that make plenty of water over about 2 days to fill the tank. It's stored in Brute trash cans (food friendly). I have a combination of Live Rock and Life Rock as well as white live sand. It sat around a few months while I studied up and decided what I needed - then I bought probably way more than I needed (each new book or article I would read would insist something new was needed. It sits on a cabinet for storage. Behind the aquarium is probably what most would consider a sort of sump but it is just attached to the back of the tank. with water hoses moving the water back and forth. There isn't any refugium - you obviously have to have a second tank and there is no room for that, although you could sit one on a low table and connect it tow the sump. The lights are LED and medium/strong. They are placed in the hood of the aquarium. Once I got everything built, I cycled the tank and ordered online the animals to start life in my tank. I was overly confident because I bought a rather expensive Anemone, as well as two clown fish and about 6 other corals/frags. Decided to stop for a while and let everybody settle in. The anemone was fun - I never knew where he was going to be in the tank, and he was a little agressive landing next to a fragile coral (which would die). The clown fish were great - I was taking water measurements every 2-3 days and doing about a 30% water change weekly - well one week - because right after the water change everything looked great but by morning everything was dead. That was a loss of about $400 of fish and coral. I couldn't even locate the fish. I took more water measurements and other that being a little cloudy from the live sand - everything was good. I'll never know what happened,

By then we had issues with the 90 gallon tank that I bought primarily for my foot long Dojo - we added 3 companions and he bit the head off of one of them. So much for non-agressive. But we were having massive ammonia swings. I was using ammonia filters, ammonia drops - everything I could find to reduce ammonia without having to do a water change on a 90 gallon tank. Part of the problem was that my Fluval 407 kept leaking everywhere so we couldn't leave it turned on. We had one gigantic (and later 2) HOB filters but even that was causing ammonia problems in a tank with barely any fish. The 50 gallon tank had twice the inhabitants (who kept having babies so we had to set up a nursery) but it had no ammonia issues. It even had 4 plecos without any water issues. I love Plecos and Dojo.

Oh I also could no longer dry or style my hair in the bathroom next door when the Reef tank was on because it would trip a breaker and half the lights would go out. The basement stairs are a bit steep and narrow for my lousy eyesite but I'd have to re-set the breaker to turn half the house back on,

So I figure I'm into this for about $1,000 - it only ran for about 4 months but it's absolutely filthy from the seaweed so I've got some work ahead. Should I be able to get $500 out of this?

Some people are also trying to get me to move to senior living (at 61?) because for about $2100 a month I can get a 1 bedroom luxury apartment with a deck. They would allow my tame indoor cat but I'd have to abandon my stray/feral cat - he will never be an indoor car. There would be no room for the fish tanks. I'd have to watch my money do avoid dipping into my investments which is what will pay for later when I require greater nursing care. They provide all meals/snacks whenever you want them, transportation to various places. Various activities like BINGO (Wow!!!!) and arts and crafts. They also clean your apartment, do your laundry but I bet they don't clean out the kitty litter box (which is probably the hardest thing I do. ) In fact, for $2100 a month they provide NO medical care, other that calling 911 for you. I really am starting to need some medical care on occasions so this seems like throwing a lot of money away since I could always hire a house keeper for a couple hours a week - I'm only paying $650 a month now since I rent from a close friend of my father's
It ended itself and wouldn't let me edit it. I suspect the cat was involvedl So look at the next post.
I can't help with the price of the tank and what you should get, but decent secondhand tanks that are only a few months old should get about 2/3s their retail value. If the tank is more than a year or two, then it's worth about half retail value. If it has scratches and damaged parts, then less again. You might get $500. Hopefully other people from the states will be able to offer more insight to the value of it.

Re: the retirement home for$2100 a month.
What do they feed you?
How thoroughly do they clean the unit?
Without medical care from them, you might as well stay put and call 911 yourself.

Have you got one of those personal alarm things you wear around your neck? Can't remember what they are called but they automatically phone someone for help if you fall down or hit the big red button on them.
Colin, that's what I've been thinking. I can only go by how my step=mother's unit looked, and it was always spotless. But she's the kin of person that eats at the table even if she's alone while I eat off the coffee table if I'm by myself and make a huge mess. I also have a cat and a litter box cant go 2 weeks without cleaning it - so I'm guessing that's not in the deal. I might have 2 loads of clothes and towels each week - so I'd have to buy more towels (I use a certain kind for bathing and the rest is to make my bathroom pretty. They have a "happy hour" avoutr 4:30 each day followed by a chef prepared meal which is generally nice but pretty bland. I love asparagus but not limp and stringy so I'll roast mine in the open then pour a balsamic vinegar dressing for them, His just sat there limp on my plate. The do keep each dinner covered to stay warm if you're running lste from happy hour but my guess is that I'd be visiting the grill each day and ordering a hamburger rather than eat the boring upscale food/ I would guess about 2/3rs of chefs these days work in senior centers and never get to cook anything fun. They can't even use real butter. My steaks will make you think you've died and gone to heaven. Same with my smoked brisket - assuming you can find a good brisket. They server all these things and i can usually doctor them up so they are tolerable. And I don't have a waitress cleaning the table and showing me the desert tray - which is pretty good. By the time I go home (if it's cleaning day )all my sheets and towels and clothes will have been cleaned.

I got my Reef tank in April of last year and it just sat around while I read all the books - each contradicting the other and started buying supplies about August. I got a RO/DI water cleaner and stored ithe water in brute trash cans on rollers so I could easily more them from one end of the house to the other. My salt measurments were pretty good - I did have a few small adjustments to make. So the water was ready when the life rock and live rock arrived. I had already st up the filters in the sump behind the aquarium and fount a little piece of plastic that allowed me to more water from chamber one into chamber two - where all the filters are. Chamber 3 is more filtration and chamber 4 is the heater and output hose. Supposedly I can get a sprinkler for this but I haven't found one yet. The tank sisze totals 32 gallons and that includes the aquarium and sump. It sits on a stand where the outer paint coat is already falling off so it doesn't look as good as it shood. Why they use compressed wood I don't know (money) but the whole thing starts disintegrating the minute water touches the wood. So I doubt i'd get much for it The aquarium and stand were only $599 it was all the rest of the stuff that ran the price up to over 1k. Special foods, a brine shrimp maker (that was a huge hit) all the filters, and medications or water treatments . i found an ammonia remover but the amout of residual ammonia was 2 mls per ppm - totoally unacceptable. They tank cycled in 3 withs and so I did it again in 2 weeks even with all those rocks. i tested to be 1005 sure and gave it another 2 days to get down to what my results were 0. Then I got two clown fish an an Anemone - talk about jumpin into it tasil. The anemone didnt want anything to do with the clown fish, even though he was supposed to.. Then I bought a couple more small corals - both looked like leather. Finally I purchased 4 frags for $10 each - and each one a surprise. My mistake was not turning off the fans and so the little corals on the frags went flying off the frag to the bottom og the taail So I'm digging own the bottom of the . I was able to recover 2 of them, neither ver exciting.

By now I figured the water was ready to attach the protein skimmer. This skimmer was made for this brand, well dropped it in and it disappeared 9 inches under neeith the water. The top cam up, the lid got lost (the company sent me another). By then i'm really frustrated. I''m reading up on what to feed these g uys = the books and articles fall first say they make their own energy from the light and then later the say to feed them a couple of times a I stuck the two frags i found where I thought would be a good place they needed low light but fast water. They just kept disappearing no matter how well ai The protein skimmer was another seemingly unfixable problem. I mean they MADE this skimmer to fit this unit and in all the hand drawn pictures they show it fitting with about 1/2" or more of the cap sticking out of the water. They don't show you where that little tube that runs off the side of the skipper goes. So i built a platform out of thick sponge material the same size as chamber number 1 They fit tight enough so the protein skimmer just set on top on them. I draped the tubing over to chamber two even though i figured i was sending dirty water to the sponges - making the protein skim useless. . The problem STILL was the cap would not stay on top of the skimmer so it didn't hold any of the debris in. I asked the question to the manufacturer - they didn't reply, posted it on a few saltwater forums and nobody replied so HOW DO YOU KEEP THE DAMN CAP ON TOP OF THE SKIMMER. I just gave up trying. All my dirt tgat ut cikkects wukk just float out. It has this metal piece on the side of the skimmer so I got all excited and figured that had to go over the metal that separated the two chamber and why he thought it was leaking. Well this wa a really slow leak - it didn't spurt out of the protein skimmer - it just floated out of it. And the tube just laid therer - it didn't send any water to chamber 2 or keep it in chamber 1. totally useless. I checked on the sizes of some other small skimmers on the market and not one was tall enough for chamber one but nearly all of the were too wide to fit in the chamber.

Anyway --After thinking about it some more I think I've decided to give the salt reef one more go. The last straw was when it said it can take years to cover up the reef and I don't have years to live. So it's going toha to be torn down before it's completed - hopefully in such a way it can be reassembled at the new location.
If you do go to a retirement home, hopefully they are better than the ones we have here. We have a few that are ok, but most are horrible places where residents get rubbish for food, have no exercise, no mental stimulation and most of them just lie in bed waiting to die. It's really appalling. :(

There's also major problems with covid19 in the retirement homes due to cleaners and staff not being vaccinated and coming into work even when sick.

You can run a reef tank without a protien skimmer and some people do this. I stopped using a protien skimmer because it took all the plankton out of the tank as well as the protien.

If you post some pictures of the skimmer we might be able to help with the lid problem. Otherwise use some tape to hold the lid on. Nothing like a bit of electrical tape to hold things together :)

Corals have a symbiotic algae that they capture and it grows in their cells. The algae uses waste from the coral polyp and produces some food as a byproduct.

Virtually all shallow water corals found in aquariums can survive without additional food as long as they get good light.

If you want to feed corals, then you can get a coral/ liquid invertebrate food and add a small amount of that to a phial of tank water. Then pour it over the corals. It makes the water a little cloudy for a few minutes and the coral polyps can catch the tiny bits of food in the liquid and eat them. Newly hatched brineshrimp can also be fed to coral polyps.

If you use a liquid invert food, turn the filter and pump off for a few minutes before you use it and wait a few minutes after using it before you turn the pumps/ filter back on. This lets the water clam down a bit before adding the food and lets it rain down over the corals so they can eat.

Don't use liquid invert foods more than twice a week unless you have lots of filter feeders in the tank.

If you want to try the marine tank again, just start with 2 small anemone fish and a bubbletip anemone. Let them do their thing for at least 3 months so they are good and then start adding corals if you want to add corals. Alternatively, add some corals and leave the tank without fish so it's just a coral tank. There will be less chance of water quality problems in a tank without fish.
You give such good personal advice. I just returned from an overnight stay at one of our big hospitals - the other one got bought out by a corporate chain (It was a catholic hospital before where it seemed all the bad doctors were asked to leave the big one. Well, I thought by now that it would be lee full than it was during full COVID times (I've been three times just in 2022 but i have a chronic deadly disease with a little over 5 years to live, based on my doctors statement - she and her staff crying. If your ever terminally ill go to Palliative care and don't wait for hospice. I think I've been with them nearly 5 yrs and they have great doctors and support staff. Most of my visits are downtown but after me and a number of other patients complained in writing (I did it once per month) they now have VALET service to this building which had a ton of handicapped patients but not nearly enough handicapped stops being out of room, while further lots stayed empty. . I like to give myself a pat on the back by being so vocal and encouraging other obviously disabled patients a place to park. My husband died and could no longer drop me off - so i have a valet as do all the large buildings and the hospital itself.

Well they never could find any thing wrong with me yesterday - i had 2 bad falls on my face on two separate days followed by 3 days of emtying every orifice on my body that could hold food. They found no relationship between the falls and everything else and messed me up by failing to prescribe (pain and anxiety meds)s totally bigtime. Doctors refusing to fill RX because they didn't agree with their decision. I was getting really afraid they might take my morphine which is all that keeps me functioning. So the thought of moving to where there would be a new head doctor after I mad to move to Advance Care. So as much as I would love the luxury apartment and whatever food I wanted = it was worth waiting for paying 46000 a month and having a new doctor/nusre team when I was finally reaching the end of a life that didn't really sound too interesting,

I also looking at how long it would take the reef tank to "bloom" and it was longer that my life expectancy. No not only will I not see my grandson grow up I wont see my reef tank grow up either. I may see my elderly cat die or my feral cat get hit by a car or shot. I think the coral tank was one last attempt at a success that would never be realized . It hurts it really hurts. I was looking at my apartment with various messes all over that came from my sickness. My daughter took me to the hospital and I was in misery about what I was returning to. I later asked to go to the store and pick up some very specific cleaning supplies and broke down in tears about all the years my mother would get hospitalized or in a similar situation as me and commented how I was always there for her. My daughter patted me on the shoulder and said, "that was really good of you to do that". And left. I always thought teching by example was the way to go. But as hard as it was to do sometime you can see she never once offered to help mel Not sure where I went wrong,
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Oh Jan, what a sad read…

Its very difficult to advise on the change of housing when there are so many financial factors that are unknown (please don’t post any specific replies to the money questions). How does the cost of retirement living compare to where you are now? Do you have someone in to do you cleaning/laundry, how much would it cost if you needed that help? (And it sounds as if moving forward you will need more and more support).

I think @Colin_T is confusing a nursing home with your own “apartment” type housing (I’m thinking of things seen on the TV where the sun always shines and it’s like a little village and the residents drive round in golf buggy type vehicles)…?

One thing I would ask is, ‘is there a member of staff onsite 24/7’? I don’t know about your current living situation with friends/neighbours? One of the huge advantages that I see from the retirement living option is that you will be part of a community, you’ll make friends and your social interactions may well be more than they are now (and who doesn’t love a game of bingo?) Those social interactions really can boost morale and help with other aspect of your health.

As your health declines, you may well have more support in the retirement living, people that can pop in for a cuppa and keep an eye out for you..

I, personally, would give it careful consideration.

Im looking to move this summer - into a bungalow, and although I’m only 55 I have an urge to move now while I’m still well enough to cope a) with the stress of moving and b) being able to get it decorated etc. as I want it. The thought of being “moved” when I can’t manage the stairs here and ending up somewhere I haven’t chosen and I can’t make as I want is a bit of a worry.

Tough decisions to be made, but you sound like one tough lady to make them!

Chin up, and best wishes to you x
UPDATE for those that know me sort of. I have been to hell and back since my last post. So this is really kind of goodbye. Basically have been in the hospital of and on the last couple of weeks. After my last post which turned rather personal. I was freaking out. In the end I just have given all my fish stuff to my fishkeeper to sell /whatever. He is currently trying to find homes for my fish, especially the Dojo loaches and Plecos - which have become large enough to feel like pets to both of us, but because of their size they need to go to somebody local before pursuing a euthanasia of all of him, Because once those are gone, The tanks, everything will be much easier to transport out of my house. If my Dojos and Plecos and other fish are some way taken care of he won't have to keep running over here to keep the tanks clean. The pleco's and Dojos are big enough to feel kind of like pets (8" for the Plecos., 12-15 inches for the Dojos. The Dojos in particular are very entertaining they frequently get their head up out of the water and kind of "dance" around the tank that way - it's almost like Dolphins performing in my fish tank. I have 3 large Dojos and they feel like pets to both me and my Fish keeper but he is trying to find homes for all the fish. Problem with the Dojos is that three of them plus a few smaller generate a LOT of pneumonia. He is still cleaning the tanks weekly and I'm trying to keep them fed and keep a watch on the Ammonia levels (I have alerts in the water stuck to the tank that have been awesome). Using Am Guard as needed to lower the Ammonia but I think with the weekly water change and me not being there to over feed them LOL the water is stable until the next cleaning time. I'm going to cut way back on the amounts I was feeding - that was contributing to the Ammonia issues.

I was just discharged to home from the hospital last night. Basically I think what happened was I forgot to take my medications for about 2 days. I say that because somewhere in these last 2 weeks I noticed that I still had 2 days where I should have taken' So what happened was I was going through severe morphine withdrawal. Before I could do anything about it I woke up from a very long nap to having hallucinations both auditory and visual, I managed to convince myself that my entire Neiborhood had turned into some type of street party complete with loud music etc. it was as if all the Hispanics in the neighborhood were celebrating some festival. Part of that festival was to play harmless tricks on each other. I have no idea if any Hispanics are even IN in my neighborhood or not, I know in the other half of my duplex is a very nice family - He is white and she is Philippine and just recently became a US citizens and they have two daughters ages about 11 and 3.. She is an RN while he does electrical, plumbing, heating with a local company I even mentored their older daughter for about 1 school year as part of something they were doing at the kids very small private school (they are Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints. that don't make any big deal about it. On the other side of me in a different is a sort of not particularly friendly black family headed by a single mother who youngest is about 3 then the next oldest is about 12 or 13 and then I thinks she has a couple of sons that kind of come and go so I don't think they live there but visit a lot. Also there is a niece somewhere in the picture and I had a run in from her right after they moved in, This was about 3 years ago right after they arrived we had a very heavy snow and I needed to go to the grocery store or somewhere and did a particularly bad job of backing out of my ridiculously difficult driveway. So I was not able to see where lawns and my driveway begin and end, I guess I somehow managed to drift into their yard and brushed against their huge row of lilac bushes (dormant in winter here) and break off a few small branches, When I returned home I found a very nasty note in my front door handle telling me that she had it all on video and if I did it again she was calling the police. WOW - I was so surprised. These are huge lilacs that haven't been pruned back in years and while they bloom they probably only produce less than half of what they should produce, Keep in mind she does not live there but was probably babysitting for the younger two children, But when they first moved in I went over to introduce myself and welcome them to the neighbor hood, Then in less than 3 months I get THAT kind of threat in my door, Since then I've had a few nice talks with the 11 yr old and a couple of semi-freindly visits with mom. Never heard or saw the niece again. I still suck with backing out of this horrible twisty long driveway and have pretty much stopped driving after that. Now I have everything delivered - RX,. groceries and a lot of Amazon shopping. Since COVID, nearly all the

So I wont' go into detail much about what I was hallucinating but John Lennon and David Bowie were in my head singing constantly, it would turn into a dull roar if I got stressed, Somehow got in touch with my cousin Tony and he came to my rescue and we made it too and from both hospitals in the City that day and night - I' don't remember all the details but got back home at some point and started getting worse - vomiting and all other forms of related things. Unfortunately didn't quite make it to the toilet (gross I know), My daughter and her husband finally showed up and while I frantically dealt with trying to clean myself up as well as the bathroom flloor. My daughter kept bringing me what I asked for like paper towels, cleaners like windex w/ ammonia, and a new set of clothes and underware socks etc. It was funny she;d just open the door as little as possible to give me what I needed while saying "I'm not looking, really I'm not looking" - this is the first time she's seen me without clothing and we are both pretty modest people and she was doing all she could to respect my modesty - in hindsight it was really getting pretty funny. In then end my old set of clothes a couple of my nicer towels (I think the Fish Keeper had put the old towels in the dryer before he left) all ended up in the trash. I don't think there was any smell because I had barely eaten for a couple of days and didn't have much left in my system. I managed to get the floor clean and get into the bathtub to wash my lower half LOL. .

After that was all over they tried to drive me to the hospital but I was two week to get up so they ended up calling an ambulance and getting me transported to the biggest hospital ER and they took me in immediately given how week I was. I don't know how much the doctors were told, but I ended up in the Psychiatric part of Intensive care until I was well enough to be moved to a less critical floor while I just ate and took my meds etc, for a few days.

So the plan is that the hospital Social worker was supposed to get me a Home Health care nurse, physical therapy and occupational therapy set up to come see me after discharge - but the company they were told to contact has failed to contact me. Now it's the weekend and nothing will happen until Monday. I think a lot of staff quit after dealing with the worst of Covid and seeing so many people die in such a short time. I think they still get some critical covid patients but overall Intensive care is pretty much back to normal. What SHOULD be happening while I'm going through all this is that my daughter is to pick out the top 3-or 4 Assisted Living or perhaps just some Senior Living with add-ons that you pay for like housekeeping and laundry. I think I'll be able to slay on my medications because I'll have plenty of time and I won't have the stress of keeping a 3 bedroom duplex clean. Between my pension and social security I pull in quite a bit of money each month plus I have about 80-100K invested. This came from a settlement I got from the car dealership where my husband slipped and fell and hit the back of his head and burst a blood vessel in his brain. Blood is toxic to the human brain and he was on 3 blood thinners so they couldn't operate without killing him. Unfortunately I eventually had him removed from all life support and he passed away about 30 minutes later. VERY sad, but while I'll alwawys adore him the severe pain of losing him is gone - so I'm ok. The man had experienced at least 8 heart attacks before a stupid slip on a very small patch of ice. I sued the dealership and they responded fairly quickly with a decent settlement - of course my attorney took 30% the state for some reason took another 20K or so. I bought a car and paid off a couple of small credit cards and invested the rest in stocks, bonds etc. through a local Edward Jones agent that was also my former son-in-law since he was married to one of my former adult step-children, So I always have 80-100K in that account and will meed about $1,000 a month until I die - keep in mind with my severe COPD I only have realistically about 5-8 yrs left to live. So, I trust my agent completely since I've known him for nearly 20 yrs. So it's all very sad but I'm long over the worst pain of that idea and just need to get out of my duplex to a safer environment - frankly everything has fallen in place with such good timing I may end up believing in God and even attending church once in a while (my best friend from my high school and college years happens to be married to the best minister I have ever heard and he and my friend have done the funerals for both my mother and my husband, Best funerals I've EVER attended and very detailed (he had some info from his wife about my mother and husband ) There were a lot of funny stories too, In the case of my husband ALL his children and sisters (from New York) flew in , And - get this - my husband's EX WIFE put together an awesome buffet and held the reception in her real estate office! So bottom line is that there will be as happy ending for me as possible. I can afford close to some of the most highly rated "senior living'" places in the city which will likely run me about $4,000 per month but I make $4,000 (but I have to pay my health insurance and TV/Internet out of that $4,000 so I'll be slowly liquidating my assets over the next 5-8 years depending on how my investment function, I'm really excited, All of the places I'll be looking at serve 3 meals per day in their dining hall or you probably can have it delivered to your room and they also have a "grill" and./or salad type of stuff you can order instead of what they are serving, My dad and step-mother actually lived in one of them so we even ate there with them a few time (the Senior place just bills your for your guest's food and the meals are usually $10 or less. And their food was really very good. I'll also have a very small kitchen in my one bedroom or studio Apartment so I can alway cook something or microwave something. Oh, I can also bring my cat, They all include housekeeping once per week but litter box may be a separate fee.

I'm only 61 and will be living with people mostly between 70 and 90 yrs old, but had my husband lived he'd be 71 by now, Amazing how I still feel about 16 mentally and I love classic rock and alternative/grunge so it's ok, Had my husband not been in failing health he may have continued to play week-ends with some of the local bands ( he was keyboard player with a band for about 15 yrs and I'd go out and be at the band wives table, That seems like ages ago but it really wasn't, My Uncle on my dad's side is still alive and was a former High School band director in Washington state but he loved all kinds of music even at 80 yrs old, Plus my grandmother was one of the most loved person in my life (she died when I was 19 and I was heartbroken, She had wonderful stories about the depression and trying to feed all the men traveling across country looking for work, She'd give them something to do while she cooked them a huge amount of pancakes and eggs (they had chickens) and pack them enough food to hopefully get to their next nice person, She just never let them in the house and always kept a knife or some very sharp scissors in her apron pocket. So I'll likely have some fun listening to these folks and playing bingo or whatever, So that's where my story ends, Wishing all of you the best of luck in life. Start saving now so you'll have at least some money to help pay for your retirement,

If you are religious or just casual about it - please think really good thoughts about my fish ending up in some very nice home or homes. I have grown to care about all of them down to my fluorescent little tetras and grumpy looking dwarf Goramie. . In turn I wish you all the best in your fishing endeavors - especially the newbie fish keeper, you will find some good advice hear but don't forget to learn to research your problem yourself first - THEN come here. You'll not only get better advice but will also get more respect, Peace and Love folks - Jan.
So I wont' go into detail much about what I was hallucinating but John Lennon and David Bowie were in my head singing constantly,
That made me LOL, you hippy :)

I'm sorry you have to give up the fish Jan. It was meant to be your new hobby and helped keep you busy, but not easy to do when you have serious health issues. Here's hoping the fish all go to nice homes where they are cared for :)

Good to hear you are out of hospital and let's hope you stay out of them for a while now.

We have some stupid driveways around here. The access driveway to the units I am in now, means you have to do a 3, 5 or 7 point turn to get in or out of your garage. I tell people to park on the road and walk up because you can't turn around on the driveway and have to reverse back down it.

I rented a unit for a day in Albany in the south of the state. The driveway went up then did a 90 degree right turn followed by a 90 degree left turn. After that it continued up to the top unit. It was easy to go up but you couldn't turn around up the top and had to reverse back down. There was also a lovely granite boulder sticking up about 18 inches out of the ground and it was at the 90 degree bend. So when you reversed back down the driveway, you couldn't see the rock or the turns and you would destroy your car in the process.

If people made driveways straight and had good visibility around them, your neighbour's plants wouldn't have been touched. But they are trees/ plants and regrow. Your neighbour's niece was just a female dog.

Take care in your new home and feel free to pop in here from time to time to update us on your cat and living conditions. It was a pleasure knowing you and I hope you make lots of new friends in your new home. :)
I hope you find good homes for your fish.
All the best for your move Jan.
I've enjoyed reading about your fish and life, your descriptions and detail make your journey an adventure. 😍

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